Tune in on Wednesday night on CBS, 10:00pm (9:00pm Central time). Usher is certainly going to enjoy himself at this evergrowing popular fashion show...the 2008 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show! He would not turn this opportunity down for any reason. Coming to you from Fontainebleau Miami Beach, you'll have one hour of eye candy with these gorgeous Victoria's Secret Angels! Don't miss out! Here is a sneak peek at the first fitting...Heidi Klum, you are hot!
For more video clips of the making of, glamour themes, final preparations, go to the CBS website, Victoria's Secret Video. Knock yourself out!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Heidi Klum, Heidi Klum, Heidi Klum
Heidi Klum is amazing! She is beautiful, has a great personality, is outgoing, and fun. I've seen her on The Ellen Show, on the Today Show, on Regis and Kelly. She is hot! Does Seal know how fortunate he is? Don't get me wrong! I love Seal and his music. What a great couple! He appeared with her on last year's Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.
Get this...she has no problem balancing her career with raising her family. It makes me think of Kelly Ripa. I started watching Kelly when I was pregnant with my first child 8 years ago. Kelly was just auditioning for the show. Now look at her. Anyway, Kelly and Keidi almost look alike.
Here is a preview of the Victoria's Secret 2008 Fashion Show. Heidi Klum models with a giant pink bow on her back. Supposedly that thing weighed about 15 pounds or something! More than some of our Thanksgiving turkeys! But you have to admit that she looks GOOD!
Heidi Klum,
Victoria's Secret
Barack Obama VS. Britney Spears and Internet Wars

Obama may have made history this year with the 2008 election, but Britney Spears lands at the top for the most searched celebrity figure on the internet. This article discusses it in detail. The truth is that it is no surprise. Paparazzi and the public want to know the best and especially the worst about what goes on in the lives of celebrities. Maybe it's fun and relieving to see our celebrities go up in smoke with the rumors and the negative coverage. Rehab? Who's dating who? Who's doing who or not doing who? What did this person do to her kid? What is the latest scoop on the person? Latest project? The public wants to know. You and I want to know.
I admit that I will once in a while get sucked into the Entertainment Tonight and Inside Edition shows. For the most part, the shows repeat the same information about all the latest super star gossip. BUT I get sucked in anyway. Is it because I'm glad to know that my life is more balanced than some of these megastars and that makes me feel better? Knowing that having fame and riches doesn't mean that these celebrities have a better life than me? It's all psychology, folks. We either sit and watch and envy these super stars OR we say, "I like my life. I wouldn't want that even if it came with fame and riches." Does that make sense?
So, who or what did you Google today?
Barack Obama,
Britney Spears
Friday, November 28, 2008
Holiday Shopping Tips AND My Personal Gift Giving Tips

Wow! The Federal Trade Commission is climbing on board to help Americans make good choices this year when it comes to shopping. They have an online article with tips for the consumer. Quite interesting! Interesting when it's the government who (some people feel) are the one's at fault for their personal financial problems and debt. How so? Well, look at the commercialism and temptations put forth on a daily basis through every medium possible...television, radio, oversized billboards, magazines, etc. They are all FTC approved. (Actually, I don't know how it really works and everyone needs to blame someone to feel better about themselves!) Now, it seems some of the companies are targeting child audiences for their credit cards and so forth. Is that ludicrous? My kids don't even know how to count change back from $1.00 and they are already watching commercials of Shopping Barbie with her own credit cards. My take on that...teach your kids the cash only lifestyle! If you don't have the money, you can't afford it. If you don't have the money, don't buy it. Don't put the purchase on plastic when you know (or maybe you don't) that it'll take you longer to pay it off than you intended. Am I making sense?
So really, take the FTC's advice but go cash only. Here are the bullet points...
- Shop around
- Read sale ads carefully
- Consider time and travel costs
- Look for price-matching policies
- Go online
- Consider bargain offers
- Clip coupons
- Ask about sale adjustments
- Keep track of spending
- Save receipts
- Ask for gift receipts
- Ask about refund and return policies
- Keep good records
- Ship early
- Keep an eye on your wallet
My personal addition to this list of tips...
- Create a budget of how much you will spend for each person...do you have 15 neices and nephews? If you spend $25 per child, that's already $375! Do the kids really need that toy or gadget? How about making a coupon that says "This coupon is good for one hour of game time with Auntie So & So." That coupon costs you one hour for time spent, and 10 minutes to create the coupon on Word.
- Make your presents...pick up on your long lost hobby of sewing or painting. Create a photo album for your loved ones of all the favorite pics over the 2008 year. Printing pictures can cost as little as 9 cents a print on Snapfish.com. (Well, that was the latest deal I saw. It's always changing.) So, pick up a photo album for $5, print 25 pictures for under $3...and voila! You've got a personal and inexpensive gift for under $10 that will more than likely never be thrown away. Actually, it's a great gift for the kids, too. Write little captions to put in with each picture.
- BAKE! Everyone knows this time of year is the baking time of year. Pick 5 different cookie or bread recipes and divvy them up into some decorative plates. Easy to find at your local Dollar store or 99cent store. You'll have a gift to share with 5-6 friends and their taste buds will love it.
Anyway, my theme this year is to keep it simple. I avoided Black Friday today at all costs. I have plenty of materials in my own house to create gifts. I have more time than money these days, so bring on the creativity! Good luck this season and don't go overboard!
Gift Giving,
Holiday Shopping Tips
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Black Friday & Thanksgiving Weekend Sales...How To Save

Some of the best things to do this year for the holidays during our challenging economic times...spend time looking for the sales. Go to the stores and malls with a predetermined list of things to buy for EACH person you are buying for. Go online and take advantage of free shipping deals. Stay away from the crowds and craziness because time is money. Shop for everything in one place. Create a budget and stick to it. Less is more. Keep it simple. OR you can also think of ZIGGY! (You'll understand what I mean as you read on.)
This is the weekend when most retailers collect on a large percentage of their revenue for their annual sales and profits, but this year we will most likely see a drop in sales. Many large retailers are facing hard times so much that they are closing down! This year is a little different. More people are calling in their local food banks, social services, and financial assistance programs due to these economic hard times. These are your average American families who are now seeking assistance because of employment lay-offs and salary decreases (option rather than losing one's job altogether). It is a challenging time for many people in our country right now.
However, the absolute BEST thing you can do is...STAY HOME! Take a look at your life. Take a look at what you already have. Be grateful for it all. Think about the important people in your life. How much time do you spend with these individuals? Time is a great gift. Stay home and don't shop if you know you have a credit card bill with a $6000 balance and a minimum payment of $150 a month. Believe me! I am learning the hard way (for the 3rd time in my short life now)! Proud to say that this year my spouse and I have switched to a 'cash-only' lifestyle and have stuck to that for 90% of 2008. That's a record to be proud of. Next year is going to be awesome! 'Cash-only, baby!' and 'Financial Freedom!' are the two mantras we live by now. Yes, the $6000 credit card balance is there but it's dwindling down. Even for true emergencies, we do our best to not pull out the credit card and we use cash or debit. Why spend money that is not there? We understand that better now.
I read something somewhere once. It was actually a little Ziggy cartoon ad. Ziggy was walking by a retail store that had a big sign that read "SAVE 50% OFF EVERYTHING!" He hesitated. Hmm...all the great deals I can find! BUT then reality kicked in. Ziggy had a life that was satisfying already. He didn't need anything else in his life. The bubble above his head displayed his thoughts..."But I can save 100% if I just walk away..." Well, the bubble said something like that. But you get the idea, eh? Save 100%! Don't shop! What about writing a poem. Write a letter to someone. Letter writing is a lost art form. What about pulling out those watercolors or acrylics and creating a nice little painting for someone. Labors of love! Those are the best gifts to give and to receive.
So again, my message for this holiday shopping season...and the best weekend of all for this is usually Thanksgiving Day Weekend...SAVE 100% and STAY HOME! Save your money and create gifts from home. It's therapeutic. It's calming (for me anyway.) And your checkbook, wallet, and savings account will love it.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Move Over Lance and Lacey...It's Brooke and Warren Time

This is only my opinion, but I think Lance and Lacey made some wrong moves last night. They did great...but in comparison to their competitors, they just lost their chance at the trophy. Lance and Lacey looked great. The hip hop style and moves were awesome. Lacey has some great choreography and enthusiasm. BUT Brooke and Derek were smokin' hot! Warren and Kim were entertaining! I suppose it comes down to the voters! That's all of you...I think. I didn't vote. I had to put the kids to bed. They stayed up past their bedtime watching Dancing With The Stars.
Brooke and Derek did an awesome freestyle! The moves were advanced and amazing. Brooke was steaming and it was just...awesome! My whole family was oo-ing and ah-ing! Check it out...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Lance Bass Steals the Show

Lance Bass stole the show on Monday night! He was hot, scoring tens on both dances with his talented partner, Lacey Schwimmer. (He experienced a 'shoe-falling-off' wardrobe malfunction, but pulled through as if it never happened.) Lacey was great and obviously had a hand in putting together some seriously difficult, exciting, and fun choreography. Move over Brooke...I think Lance is your competition for the night! Read the LA Times Online Blog article reviewing the whole night.
More on Lance if you don't know much about him...
He is a former member of the ever popular boy band, NSYNC. He currently has a book out entitled Out of Sync: A Memoir which is a personal account of his experiences in the boy band, how it changed his life, when and how he came to terms with his sexuality and going public with it, along with other behind-the-scenes tales. (Okay, I haven't read the book. I'm getting this information from book descriptions and reviews. I'll pick it up and thumb through next time I stop at Border's.)
All in all, Lance Bass proved himself worthy of this season's Dancing With The Stars Championship last night. He was smokin' along with his partner. We'll see what happens tonight! Stay tuned, 8:00 pm PST for the recap show; 9:00 pm PST for the results!
Dancing with the Stars,
Lance Bass
Monday, November 17, 2008
The New Bachelor: Jason Mesnick and Son

Jason Mesnick,
The Bachelor 13
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Dancing With The Stars Final Four

Then check out this athlete!
It's a tough one this season! Do you vote for Beauty or the NFL Beast (who also happens to be light on his feet!)? Don't forget to call in or log on and vote!!
Brooke Burke,
Cody Linley,
Lance Bass,
Warren Sapp
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Gay-Marriage Will Eventually Prevail

I've stated my take on this issue for the most part. I even got a nasty email from someone who disagreed with me and I'm alright with that. Truth is, ladies and gentleman, that I also agree that this issue will eventually prevail. The sentiment across the nation in support of this "right" is too strong for the issue to not keep coming back. And for all the closed minded individuals who are stuck on what "marriage" traditionally is, times are changing. Times have changed for many things and in many ways. Do you really love yourself? Then you should love and respect others in what they want if it doesn't hurt you. What are you really afraid of? That someone is challenging the core of you and what YOU stand for? Be sure of yourself! But be sure that you are allowing others to be themselves without judgement from you.
Read this great article by Anna Quindlen entitled "The Loving Decision."
Read this great article about what this issue brought to us this weekend.
It's happening in Boston, Seattle and Connecticut.
The gay-marriage issue has only just begun.
Gay Marriage,
No on Proposition 8
Friday, November 14, 2008
Young Cody Linley, Julianne Hough, & Derek Hough
This guy is so cute. He's got good moves and he is just so cute. He made it to the Final Four and maybe that's because everyone wanted to see Julianne Hough dance just once more. I thought he would get eliminated but he's holding on! AND, he is a great dancer. He's young and energetic and has awesome potential. Check this out!
No doubt, his original partner Julianne Hough is TOTALLY AWESOME...even post surgery. Check her out here with Derek Hough. You can also view a nice interview with Mary Hart about this brother and sister duo. They're so cute together. Derek also has some GREAT sexy moves!
No doubt, his original partner Julianne Hough is TOTALLY AWESOME...even post surgery. Check her out here with Derek Hough. You can also view a nice interview with Mary Hart about this brother and sister duo. They're so cute together. Derek also has some GREAT sexy moves!
Cody Linley,
Derek Hough,
Julianne Hough
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Jennifer Aniston vs. Angelina Jolie
So the cat fight continues. Angelina and Jennifer. Well, no not really. Not a cat fight. It's a shame that the media has to use these nice people for the sake of media attention, hence mo' money, mo' money. I personally like Angelina and Brad together more than I liked Jennifer and Brad together. BUT both ladies are classy in their own ways and it's a shame that the media has to get caught up in sharing their personal feelings or thoughts. The media has a way of magnifying a feeling that was really almost petty. It comes with the celeb territory, I suppose. (May I add that her Vogue photos look HOT!)
Angelina Jolie,
Jennifer Aniston
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sarah Palin Is A Hypocrite
Sarah Palin, you are such a hypocrite. You were just talking a few days ago about the media or whoever, talking about issues and YOU and taking things out of context, using information against you. You even said something about "where people are getting their information" and doing their homework on issues. You need some serious schooling yourself. As you said, this is the way of politics. But now you are out of it. You are done. So, keep your negativity to yourself and show some respect and support to our President Elect.
Just stop talking. She wants to call Hillary Clinton to tell her "More power to ya!" Maybe you can say, "Hey, can I show ya how ta hunt moose in yer spare time?" Hey, and this blogging is fun when I can blog about you! I'm not in my basement because I don't have one, but I am in my pajamas.
Sarah Palin
FREE 8" X 11" Photo Album from Snapfish...But First...CLEAR THE CLUTTER

I just love Oprah! She is so awesome! She and Peter Walsh are on a mission to get this America cleaned up! With today's economy, their suggestion is to start in the home. Start with your own personal environment. Throw away stuff you haven't used, touched, worn in 12 months. Clear out the space. Get yourselves organized. Here is a link to get more info and details. See what Peter and Oprah have to say.
In addition, what do you do with ALL of that artwork your children bring home from school. They've got a great idea for that, too! Oprah is promoting Snapfish who is giving away a FREE 8" X 11" Photo Album that documents all of that wonderful work into a bound, official book. Awesome idea! Retail Values at about $30. Act now. It's only for a short time.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The World's Oldest Profession: Prostitution
This has been such a controversy for many a days. Remember the great movie "Pretty Woman" starring the lovely Julia Roberts? Will that go down as a classic for our culture? This is also a profession not stranger to many a culture. Maybe I would consider spending a weekend with the guy for the price of $25,000...including two hours of sex? Hmm. He'd have to be disease and drug free and NOT a fatal attraction sort of guy. Of course, I wouldn't consider this now. I have a wonderful husband and children. But, if I were single and unattached and needed to pay off my student loans from medical school, this is a nice option. It's no wonder that at the Las Vegas strip clubs, you may find 'contracted' workers earning supplemental income by night (or day in the 24 hour town). Then the lady's 'real' job is lawyer, doctor, teacher, etc. Unethical to you? Unheard of in your pristine and innocent walks and circles of life? Well, it's reality ladies and gentleman. The oldest profession in the world.
Proposition 8 Controversy
Saying yes to Proposition 8 was like saying "No, you cannot love to your heart's desire. You cannot live the rest of your life with the one that you love." That is so wrong. What about all of these 'same sex' marriages who are forced to marry because of an out-of-wedlock unwanted pregnancy, yet the parents demand a shotgun wedding? Is that right to allow that couple to get married? I love Keith Olbermann. Accept love between people of the same sex. If you will remember, it was not long ago that blacks could not marry whites. It was, at one point, illegal in many states. That is ludicrous. Please, everyone. This is your opportunity to move in the direction of making things right! This is love. What are you afraid of ?!?!?
People who claim to be Christian, what about loving all people? Okay, whatever! So you do believe that. But what gives you the right to not allow two loving human beings to share the same sanctity that you enjoy as a heterosexual. Treating ALL people the way you want to be treated yourself. What is that? Doesn't Jesus want us to love and accept all others? And if that means accepting their choices in committing to a lifelong promise, shouldn't that be alright?
Even Governor Schwarzneggar has lightened up on the issue (probably due to pressure from his wife.) He suggests to opposers of Proposition 8 to not give up. In the past he has rejected legislation that allowed same-sex marriage. Now, he encourages "backers of gay marriage" to not give up, to keep not giving up until your point was heard and until the change you want is made.
Onliner Jennifer Seale writes about this issue and concludes "In short the only reasons people have for opposing it is fear. Fear of something different. Fear that their child might be gay. Fear that they might be gay themselves. Fear that has no basis, no logical reason, and is ultimately blind to a whole group of citizens who should have the same rights to happiness as straight people." Click here to see her whole article.
No on Proposition 8
Monday, November 10, 2008
"Hello, Barack" and "Goodbye, George"
Today is the big day which marks the official transition of 'out with the old' and 'in with the new'. George leaves the White House and Mr. Barack Obama takes his place. Michelle and Barack Obama meet with President Bush and his wife, First Lady Laura Bush, in another historic moment. This is a traditional moment as presidents change leadership every four (or sometimes eight) years.
They will now exchange words in the Oval Office today. Behind closed doors. No reporters allowed. What in the heck will the say to one another?? How will President Bush respond to the eloquence of President Elect Barack Obama? I wish I could put a hidden microphone or camcorder in the Oval Office to get it on tape. Will they discuss that secret presidential memoirs that is alluded to in the movie National Treasure?
The Book of Secrets? (I am so gullible when it comes to this stuff!) Will President Bush show Barack Obama the secret compartments in the main desks and where the keys are kept? Will President Bush share with Barack Obama the current conspiracies that are lingering in today's political arena that only the presidents and their closest contacts know about? What exactly is Preseident Elect Obama inheriting from eight years of confusion, suffering, turmoil, mess, lies, etc., etc.? I'm not trying to be negative, but one wonders what the 'truth' is when it comes to politics. I think I watch too much television.
Barack Obama,
George Bush,
National Treasure 2
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Airline Succumbs to Duct Tape on Onry Passenger
It is understandable for fellow passengers to get upset or frustrated about out of control children on an airplane ride in limited space, physically and with limited audial surroundings. Being a parent of young children myself, my family has had our few moments. I think my children have been taught well. But adults and unruly behavior? What has this world come to? Were drugs involved? And the use of duct tape?? Is this even legal? I would have been pissed off. Could there have been other options? What was the real story on this person? Is this passenger ready to file suit because I know I would be! What in the world is this world coming to? Will I ever ride on this airline? Did the airline staff get in trouble? What did other passengers do and say? Geez, people! Get a grip on yourself.
Dumb People,
United Airlines
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Britney Spears & Madonna Together, Plus More!
The unstoppable duo take on Los Angeles in a small snippet of together again. Madonna brings out Britney Spears as a special guest at her Sticky and Sweet concert in Los Angeles at the Dodger Stadium. Madonna looking HOT and Britney in a conservative black and white outfit. Still with her groovin' moves. Did you know that Madonna is a damn 50 years old! I better look that good at 50!
Flashing back, have you ever seen this clip? I suppose this is the extended version of the Britney & Madonna kiss. However, in this clip you get to view all the celeb reactions! It's great entertainment on stage plus the celebrity reaction. Kudos to the camera guys of VMA!
What about my personal favorite? Justin Timberlake adds an awesome touch to the S & S Concert. Surprise everyone! Will Justin and Britney follow Madonna to Las Vegas? I hear that's one of their favorite cities to frequent. Whatever the case, I should've been there in L.A.! Will I ever get to see a concert like that? I hope Madonna will continue her streak. She's on it, baby!
Britney Spears,
Justin Timberlake,
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Brooke Shields and Bad VW Commercials
These are some commercials that are, quite frankly, getting on my nerves. It's good to see Brooke Shields doing more in her life. But I have to agree with some reviews that these VW ads make no sense. As a parent myself, the connection is just not there. It is really...really...really just annoying. Really. Hopefully the time will pass and VW will find that these commercials are not helping to sell their cars. Rather, they are just making people see that Brooke Shields is well and keeping busy with her work, and that pregnant women are being used in a confusing manner to sell cars. I just don't get it people!
Barack Obama Heard Around The World
The victory was heard around the world. According to one news source, a majority of the WORLD was awaiting this moment. Countries from every continent hurried in their support for Obama's win, international citizens from every corner, believers who have never stepped foot on U.S. soil, all have the reign of hope in their hearts.
This is, of course, not without some doubt. Some countries will be watching Obama closely. "An enemy of the United States is an enemy of Obama." Still, we are hopeful.
Barack Obama. Phenomenal. Historical. Diplomatic. Marvelous. New. Hopeful. Promise. Change. Positive. Eloquent. Intelligent. Fair. Multi-cultural. Outstanding. Unbending. Sincere. Profound. Remarkable. Awesome. Awe-inspiring. Exalted. American. Dream. Belief. Victory. Enormous. Credible. Peaceful. Calm. Inspirational. Unparalleled. Aspirational. Intense. Knowledgeable. Sensational. Unique. Thorough. Reflective. Serious. Deep. Esoteric. Learned. Wise. Shrewd. Enlightened. And so on.
Click here to read along as Barack Obama speaks to the world following his landslide win.
All prayers and good vibes are sent your way, Barack Obama! It's time!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Obvious Buzz of the Day: Mr. President, Barack Obama

The obvious buzz of the day is this most historical news that will go down in the history books and the lives of the diverse American. Barack Obama is our President Elect for the next term 2009-2012. He is our 44th President and the world has been watching. The world is behind this man from the mountains of Japan, to the fields of Africa, to the vineyards of Italy, to the islands of the Pacific Ocean, and beyond. I personally had family from Canada and Germany Facebooking their joy at the news of the Obama victory. This is truly a spectacular event.
Barack Obama
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Congratulations, Barack Obama!
Congratulations! This is what we all need! We have needed this for so long! What an historic event, historic president, historic citizens and their nation. I am thrilled to see this country high on hope. What a key event for this country and for so many people, for so many cultures. Not just the African-American person, but for him and her and for all of us. This is a profound moment in time for everyone who believes in the values that this country stands by. Congratulations, Barack Obama! God Bless You and Your Family! Congratulations! Congratulations!
Barack Obama,
President Obama
Monday, November 3, 2008
Obama or McCain, McCain or Obama & the Swing States
What are you going to do? Which way will you vote? Barack Obama or John McCain? What is the latest scoop on all of you undecideds and swing states? It's not too late to make up your mind. BUT the question is who is the best of the contenders? Of course a matter of opinion. A matter of morals, ethics, finances, health, feelings about foreign issues and policies, war and ending the war or starting another war, immigration, pro-choice or pro-life, and so on and so on and so on. Most important, please get out there and vote if you have not already done so. Here's a little bit of analyzing for you to chew on...
Good luck and may the best candidate win!
Good luck and may the best candidate win!
Barack Obama,
John McCain
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween 2008 Review: Sugar, Costumes, & Odd Events

Are you or a family member suffering from sugar high or sugar overload from these past couple of days of school parties, work parties, trick-or-treating, and now the ever growing trunk-n-treating? You are not alone. What is everyone saying about eating too much candy or chocolate? How much is too much? Look at this friendly website that has physicians as its regular article contributors for some talk on this topic.
What is the other hubbub this year? Mask sales and make-up popular? Will mask sales determine our next President of the United States? Check this out:
What about all the people who love their pets? Is this getting out of hand? Or are pets people, too?
Oh...and do you remember Michael Jackson and Thriller? You must! That was one of the key extended storytelling music videos of our time. It's been so popular...you have to check this out and the things people do!
Barack Obama,
Michael Jackson
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
24 Season 7 Trailer with Jack Bauer
Here it is all of you Jack Bauer fans! The trailer for Season 7 that begins in January 2009.
On Sunday, November 23, the Movie "Redemption" will premier as a two-hour movie. This is exciting.
Thank you to my significant other, I am now hooked on 24. I have watched all 6 seasons in a matter of months. No, I didn't buy all of the seasons. I went to my local library who is so great about having the latest movies and dvd's. Checked out season to season. And I participated in the latest craze of television hungry fanatacism...SERIES BINGING! No longer did I have to wait one week to see what would happen next. I watched a whole season in one Saturday afternoon and evening, popcorn and all!
Why I like the show? I love the plot lines, the fast movement, the very exciting episodic situations that are intriguing, confusing, unrealistic but makes you think about what could really be happening in our government. It's a show that makes me think. Sometimes it even includes a little romance and wanting. Overall, simply entertaining.
On Sunday, November 23, the Movie "Redemption" will premier as a two-hour movie. This is exciting.
Thank you to my significant other, I am now hooked on 24. I have watched all 6 seasons in a matter of months. No, I didn't buy all of the seasons. I went to my local library who is so great about having the latest movies and dvd's. Checked out season to season. And I participated in the latest craze of television hungry fanatacism...SERIES BINGING! No longer did I have to wait one week to see what would happen next. I watched a whole season in one Saturday afternoon and evening, popcorn and all!
Why I like the show? I love the plot lines, the fast movement, the very exciting episodic situations that are intriguing, confusing, unrealistic but makes you think about what could really be happening in our government. It's a show that makes me think. Sometimes it even includes a little romance and wanting. Overall, simply entertaining.
24 Season 7,
Monday, October 27, 2008
Obama and McCain Dance Off
America's Best Dance Crew, watch out! Our upcoming presidential candidates have got the moves! View these senators as they dance off to win your vote! It's the Obama Dance Crew vs. the Grand Old Posse! To the creators: You are awesome! Check out their site for other interesting media twists.
And don't leave Sarah Palin out either. Not only is she a hockey mom, but she can break dance, too. Did you know this existed in Alaska? I'll have to say that McCain has some moves but Obama, you still rock da house!
They've even taken their moves to the ever popular Dancing with the Political Stars! Here's a preview...
And don't leave Sarah Palin out either. Not only is she a hockey mom, but she can break dance, too. Did you know this existed in Alaska? I'll have to say that McCain has some moves but Obama, you still rock da house!
They've even taken their moves to the ever popular Dancing with the Political Stars! Here's a preview...
Barack Obama,
John McCain,
Sarah Palin
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Newly Released Guitar Hero World Tour
WHOA! All of you Rock Band enthusiasts look out. Reviews are saying that although Rock Band can still do some things better than Guitar Hero World Tour, this may become a fast and popular seller! It seems that the release of Guitar Hero World Tour also includes MANY popular songs of Beastie Boys, Michael Jackson, Lenny Kravitz, Billy Idol, Van Halen and the list goes on. You can read MSNBC's full article about their first review on this game. On Wii, you can create your own songs and share them with friends. This is skits, dude! Now check out the drums on this game and watch this trailer...all of you drummers!!
I am excited to say the least. I'm a little late, okay, with this whole craze. I've only had Guitar Hero for Wii for less than 2 months and my whole family is hooked. My young girls don't play much BUT they basically sing along when big brother plays. It is quite entertaining on a Friday night. Our own little rock band concert in the living room. Ah man! Now we just HAVE to pick up World Tour. What about you? Is your whole family hooked, sold, crazed, addicted? Whatever you want to call it? Yes, we have limits. But not on a school night kids!
Guitar Hero,
Rock Band
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Get out there and VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!
YOU are a part of the nation's history whether you think it or not. But this November 4th, you will be part of one of the GREATEST events in history. ELECTION DAY 2008! It is so important for you to get out there and vote...that is, if you haven't already! I've been watching the grocery store lines, the malls, the news and all of YOU are showing up in record numbers across the nation. You are awesome!
OOOH! What happens if you don't vote? C'mon. It is so important. Hopefully you are all set up and registered. Of course that was the first step. That was easy. So now...mark your calendars, day planners, online to do lists, internet and cell phone alarms...the first thing you should do on that day is VOTE! I'm even going to allow you to skip breakfast. Get out there and vote on Tuesday, November 4th!
Por Favor! Vota! Vota! Vota!
Please vote! Please vote! Please vote! You'll be so proud that you did!
OOOH! What happens if you don't vote? C'mon. It is so important. Hopefully you are all set up and registered. Of course that was the first step. That was easy. So now...mark your calendars, day planners, online to do lists, internet and cell phone alarms...the first thing you should do on that day is VOTE! I'm even going to allow you to skip breakfast. Get out there and vote on Tuesday, November 4th!
Por Favor! Vota! Vota! Vota!
Please vote! Please vote! Please vote! You'll be so proud that you did!
Barack Obama,
Please Vote
Friday, October 24, 2008
Colin Powell in Support of Obama
I truly respect Colin Powell's words. He makes some excellent points about McCain and Palin. Palin is not ready for this position in Powell's opinion. (Hmm! Do ya think?) He has watched both parties closely and shares some great insight. If you haven't decided yet, pay attention to Colin Powell's words. It's something to think about.
It's also interesting that people associated with McCain are SO afraid of Muslims. Many keep saying that Obama is Muslim and that he is associated with terrorists. HELLO PEOPLE!! Why do you keep doing that? As Mr. Powell has said, Obama is Christian and has always been Christian. Who are your sources of information?? Go educate yourselves. Please.
Thank you, Colin Powell! You shed some great light on this election and its primary candidates.
Barack Obama
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Opie Shows Support for Barack Obama
See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die
I just had to put this up. I won't say too much because this clip speaks for itself. Thank you Ron Howard!
Barack Obama
Ellen with Obama and McCain
This was so awesome! Ellen Degeneres! She brings out the best in people. She brings out the fun in people. Barack Obama is clearly a wonderful example of someone who can hang with being both serious and laid back at the same time. Now, on the flip side...
Senator McCain, I'm not sure why you agreed to appear on this show. I really don't think it helped your campaign. C'mon, now! I think you backed yourself up into a corner. At least you stood your ground BUT... why did you put yourself in that position to begin with? I don't think I need to say much more here. However...I want to see McCain dance. How 'bout you?
Barack Obama,
John McCain
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sarah Palin is a Sex Symbol
Well, Alec Baldwin thinks she is "hot". Others in the media agree. She was a former beauty queen, ya know. Personally, I think Tina Fey makes a more gorgeous Sarah Palin. Whatever the case, it seems that newscasters are starting to chat with one another after meeting with her or interviewing her. So the question goes "How was she?" Sex symbol Palin. Caribou Barbie. "Ha ha" I say to this.
Does this help the presidential campaign? Well, honestly it makes a joke of it. How can anyone take the Republican Party seriously at this point? Is it a wonder that she was limited in her roles on SNL last weekend. They simply don't want her to speak. What next, Sarah? Maybe she can make a guest appearance on Dancing With the Stars. Maybe she'll be invited to Season 8 of the show. She looks good...but can she dance?? That's the real question. (Oh yeah, she did 'Raise the Roof' on SNL and as I recall, she did it to the beat. Maybe she'd fair well in Carrie Ann's eyes.)
Sarah Palin
Monday, October 20, 2008
Material Girl Madonna on the Move
Okay everyone, did we not see this coming? Was it destined to happen that Madonna's relationship with Guy Ritchie would crumble and was too good to be true given her track record? Did any of us see this coming?
I for one have been a fan of Madonna since her days with Jelly Bean Benitez. I have watched her grow, blossom, get tangled up in the media, make for a great come back, watch her transformation with kabbalah, see her looking damn good with Justin Timberlake...and so on. She is a goddess! She truly is. I love her and wish her the best.
But I will have to say that I fell into the group of hoping that Guy Ritchie was her one and only and final. They seemed so good together. They made such a good couple. It was inevitable that Madonna would be too big for him. She moved on. I'll still follow her, though.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sarah Palin on SNL : The Real Thing
Kudos to comedian Tina Fey for an awesome rendition of the vice presidential candidate, I think all of us agree that her performance is spot on. The clip above only shows a snippet of what Sarah Palin actually did on the show, and to be honest, it wasn't much. Was it me, or did she seem kind of quiet? She loves to talk and be around people, but I think the people advising her told her to keep things on the "downlow". We could all probably guess why, with the elections so close, many are on pins of needles looking for her to make a comment that the media can then blow out of proportion (we're all waiting for this), things are already silly enough as it is.
When the elections are over however, how much you wanna bet that she appears on the show in a bikini? That would be cool, she should still have her famous suit somewhere right?
If you ever get a chance to watch the SNL news parody towards the middle of the show, the rap performance was awesome. SNL's got a talented crew this season.
Sarah Palin
Saturday, October 18, 2008
McCain's Body Language Sends Different Message
This week, John McCain appeared on "David Letterman" and apologized for missing his appointment with the talk show host. The clip above shows parts of the interview and you'll see that Dave put him on the spot regarding many serious topic, especially the one I think about the most, his thought on his vice presidential choice of Sarah Palin. It appears at about 3:30 in the clip.
Pay attention to McCain's body language when posed the question about his vice presidential running mate. You can learn a lot about one's initial reaction when confronted with possible discomfort. After Dave asks the question, John McCain leans back, as if to retreat, and begins to interject his own words, interrupting Dave's flow. He also blinks a lot too, which is usually a common tell of someone lying.
McCain is simply not comfortable answering that question, which makes me wonder about his truthfulness. His words were supportive of his running mate, but his body language says something else. In all this time, he should've rehearsed a better answer so his response would seem more confident and self assured.
Check out the clip and see for yourself...again that's about 3:30 into the clip.
John McCain
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