Saturday, October 18, 2008

McCain's Body Language Sends Different Message

This week, John McCain appeared on "David Letterman" and apologized for missing his appointment with the talk show host. The clip above shows parts of the interview and you'll see that Dave put him on the spot regarding many serious topic, especially the one I think about the most, his thought on his vice presidential choice of Sarah Palin. It appears at about 3:30 in the clip. 

Pay attention to McCain's body language when posed the question about his vice presidential running mate. You can learn a lot about one's initial reaction when confronted with possible discomfort. After Dave asks the question, John McCain leans back, as if to retreat, and begins to interject his own words, interrupting Dave's flow. He also blinks a lot too, which is usually a common tell of someone lying. 

McCain is simply not comfortable answering that question, which makes me wonder about his truthfulness. His words were supportive of his running mate, but his body language says something else. In all this time, he should've rehearsed a better answer so his response would seem more confident and self assured. 

Check out the clip and see for yourself...again that's about 3:30 into the clip.

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