Monday, January 19, 2009

Barack Obama Fever

This is such an historic moment for us all. Whether we were a supporter from the start or not, no one can deny the impact of what is to occur in these next few hours. My sister is among the crowd of all those with Obama fever, as she represents my whole family who could not be just yards away from the action and the change. Just a breath away from the man who will lead our nation. This time is filled with hope and promise. I do believe in Barack Obama and what he can and will do for our country. We must all understand that it will not happen overnight. And still, to all the naysayers, stop it already. Spread love. Spread hope. Spread the message that things can only get better and move forward with this man as our leader. God Bless America.

For an awesome library of photos of Barack Obama, click here.

Stay tuned for my reaction, opinion, feelings, and thoughts about Inaugural Day 2009!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Gil's Last Moments on CSI

I hate to ruin it for you, but I loved this last scene and Gil's reason for leaving CSI Las Vegas! He left for love! He left to go be with the love of his life, Sara. I mean, I am hating that William Petersen is leaving the show. He is the backbone for all of CSI. I truly hate to see him leave. But I'll have to say that I love that he left Las Vegas for love. Call me a softy. Good for you, Gil. We should all do more for love!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Kate Winslet is the Bomb!

Simply, in brief...
Did you see her Golden Globe speech last night? She is beautiful, gorgeous, and awesome! I am so happy for her. And now that Leonardo no longer looks like a little boy, I love that he was her leading man once again after not being so for a very long time. Congratulations to Kate! You are great! Looking forward to seeing you win the Oscar, too!