Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Scotty McCreery is the American Idol Winner!

Just as I suspected would happen, Scotty is the winner! He was awesome! I think Lauren is good, too. But there is something about Scotty that American Idol has never had, never seen before. I just want to hear him sing some more Kenny Rogers. When he sang She Believes In Me, I just about cried. That was one of my most favorite songs way back when. Ah man, he was awesome! So, congratulations Scotty!! I think America needed an all American boy like you. Country has grown on me...(I watched me some Keith Urban in Las Vegas a few weekends ago...the Tiger Jam at Mandalay Bay. I love me some Keith Urban, baby!)

Back to Scotty, I look forward to seeing this young country cowboy earn lots of money and help his mommy and daddy retire early. Of course that'll happen. No doubt we'll see him at the next CMA (Country Music Awards, duh!)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hasta La Vista, Baby!!

Arnold Schwarzeneggar finally confessed to his wife that he slipped! He fathered a child some 14 years ago with a former housekeeper. He had an affair just as many of the testosterone driven actors or politicians or sports athletes have. Guess what?! Arnie was and/or is all three so that made hime three times more likely to have xtramarital affairs!

The sad thing is Shriver became pregnant at the very same time! What a scumbag Arnold was and is! I honestly feel very sorry for Maria Shriver who has been such a positive icon in this country. She has been a remarkable wife amd mother. She stood by her husband through many important key events. She is awesome. The Terminator on the otherhand...YOU'RE TERMINATED!!