Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Black Friday and TARGET! Woohoo!

OMG! I get the email for Black Friday ads and BOO-YAH!! The Target ad was released. I haven't looked at it in full yet. But let me tell you, after already deciding I will not do Black Friday this year, standing in lines at 4:00am with Starbucks in hand, scarf around my neck and gloves on with all the consumer crazies...the release of the Target Black Friday sales has me rethinking. I'm not a shopper like many people I know, BUT I get the shopping itch like every other American.

So, should I stay or should I go? Let me spend about 2 hours browsing through that ad, making my list, getting it right. And then let me close that window on my laptop after a wasted 2 hours after deciding...holidays are not about the material things. And then let me go back to my email again the next day and rethink again, and again, and again.

Yes, I am infected with the all-american consumerism, materialistic bug. I love to shop. I love a good deal. Stay tuned to see if I can control myself. We're not even half way through November and I'm craving those early morning deals! Ugh! Maybe I'll see you out there! I promise I won't cut in front of you just to get the freebie...whatever it is this year!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Netflix Addiction

For less than $12 a month, you can get high on all the television series watching you want! Unlimited almost! It's called Series Binging. Just a little over a month ago, my spouse and I decided to get a Netflix subscription and this has opened up a whole world of mesmerizing TV watching at my fingertips. No longer do I have to wait a whole week to find out what happens next on Nip Tuck or Weeds. As a newbie to Dexter, I was able to watch 4 whole seasons in less than one month. Now I am completely caught up in the new season with access to each new episode online. It's a crazy world. But, it has given my life a whole new meaning when it comes to couch potato syndrome. AND...I must say that I love it!

Cake Boss
Nip Tuck
Breaking Bad
ALL the National Geographic documentaries

Check it out!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Keith Olbermann Supports Democrats

I guess I can understand why, as a high profile journalist, you are not supposed to donate large amounts of money to any political organization because of conflict of interest of being part of mass media and reporting. But who gives a shit, really. I actually think that movie stars have more pull when it comes to making monetary donations to big wigs in politics. Too bad that he was suspended. I love the guy. But I guess that's what rules are for, eh? Whatever.