Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tiger is Not Completely Out of the Woods

Can you believe how much attention Tiger Woods has been getting? Sorta like our buddy, Dave Lettermen, maybe it's just better for Tiger to fess up. Infidelity is nothing new for the famous actor and athlete. I mean, c'mon people! Isn't that somewhere in the fine print for that particular job description. It's probably in tiny, tiny, tiny print somewhere in the contracts...

"Dost thou chooseth the path of an actor or athlete, thou dost also chooseth to have infidelitous affairs beyond the grasp of his or her morally correct parameters."

In other words, don't most athletes fall into this at least once in their lives. And hasn't infidelity in the sports world become a norm of sorts. Magic. A-Rod. Oscar de la Hoya. Yes. That's what I said. Derek Jeter. Dennis Rodman. Kobe. What is the truth?

Well, I am hoping that Tiger Woods will maintain a clean record. This Rachel lady has already said that she has nothing to do with him romantically. To be honest with you, I don't really care. It's too much. Let the people be. Let Tiger live his life and manage the situation with the family.

Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon...Was It Your Moon?

Was it your moon? I just got back from watching a midnight show of this saga. First, I must say that I didn't even read the books. But now I MUST. I absolutely need more detail! Anyway, first reactions. DAMN! That was good. I mean, I did enjoy it. Jacob is seriously luscious! I do have to say that all I can think of when I see that little face is Shark Boy. However, those abs and guns...whew baby! Hold me, Jacob! Hold me! I'll kiss you if Bella won't! I will say that in my heart, I am still Team Edward. Eclipse is definitely going to have to do something to me to get me on Team Jacob. But that sparkle of Edward has me good. My lust for Jacob is purely phsyical.

I do also have to say that...ALL YOU DIE HARD TWILIGHT FANS ARE CRAZY! I can't believe I stood in line with all of you who were about to knock someone's eyes out if they took half a step in front of you while waiting in line. Sheez! I was among the teeny bopper, young adult crowd. I'm telling you, this cougar felt part of the in crowd. LOL! haha...go out and see New Moon. I think you'll enjoy! Then go and read the books! OR...go read the books first. Whatever! Be part of the craze. It's a must! Make it your moon!

Oprah Calls It Quits

Oprah will be ending her 25 year long show sometime in the year 2011. That is, unless her fans and EMPLOYEES urge her not to do so. She has done so much for the public and even more for those fans of her whom have been changed personally somehow. But do not fear! My guess is that she has something even greater planned! She is going to pull something out of that hat of hers. She is truly a woman of dreams and goals and her mission is not yet complete. So, congratulations to Oprah on such a wonderful monument of a talk show you have created! It will be impossible to recreate what you have created. No one and no other show will ever take the place of yours! Good luck!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Miley Cyrus, You're Okay!

Contrary to what some in the media say and some non-fan critics, I feel that Miley Cyrus is actually okay. She really has worked hard to get to where she is. No doubt, her father played a role in it, but she really has worked hard! I personally like the song that she sings called "The Climb."

She had that one Vanity Fair spread that got lots of buzz. But really folks, who cares. Just let her be. She didn't pose for Playboy! I mean, the photos weren't that bad. They were Miley Cyrus showing that she is developing into the woman that every little girl will also develop into. Just let her be. Let her grow and learn. Supposedly her parents were okay with it all and were at the shoot. Anyway...

I do enjoy Miley Cyrus and actually liked the movie that came out. It was different than her corny shows. It was actually a nice, simple, country girl movie. Great for a movie night if you have young daughters.

Friday, November 13, 2009

"2012": Premiere - Las Vegas Destroyed

Las Vegas in the movie "2012"? Can you recognize those buildings?

If you are from Las Vegas, or if you have ever lost a ton a money on the Strip? This will make you feel better. Here's the featurette that describes the process for destroying Las Vegas in the movie 2012 that I found to be interesting. See if you can recognize some of the buildings on the Strip. I saw Encore, Wynn and the Venetian. If you happen to check out the movie, let us know how you liked it. The movie opens today.