I've stated my take on this issue for the most part. I even got a nasty email from someone who disagreed with me and I'm alright with that. Truth is, ladies and gentleman, that I also agree that this issue will eventually prevail. The sentiment across the nation in support of this "right" is too strong for the issue to not keep coming back. And for all the closed minded individuals who are stuck on what "marriage" traditionally is, times are changing. Times have changed for many things and in many ways. Do you really love yourself? Then you should love and respect others in what they want if it doesn't hurt you. What are you really afraid of? That someone is challenging the core of you and what YOU stand for? Be sure of yourself! But be sure that you are allowing others to be themselves without judgement from you.
Read this great article by Anna Quindlen entitled "The Loving Decision."
Read this great article about what this issue brought to us this weekend.
It's happening in Boston, Seattle and Connecticut.
The gay-marriage issue has only just begun.
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