Some of the best things to do this year for the holidays during our challenging economic times...spend time looking for the sales. Go to the stores and malls with a predetermined list of things to buy for EACH person you are buying for. Go online and take advantage of free shipping deals. Stay away from the crowds and craziness because time is money. Shop for everything in one place. Create a budget and stick to it. Less is more. Keep it simple. OR you can also think of ZIGGY! (You'll understand what I mean as you read on.)
This is the weekend when most retailers collect on a large percentage of their revenue for their annual sales and profits, but this year we will most likely see a drop in sales. Many large retailers are facing hard times so much that they are closing down! This year is a little different. More people are calling in their local food banks, social services, and financial assistance programs due to these economic hard times. These are your average American families who are now seeking assistance because of employment lay-offs and salary decreases (option rather than losing one's job altogether). It is a challenging time for many people in our country right now.
However, the absolute BEST thing you can do is...STAY HOME! Take a look at your life. Take a look at what you already have. Be grateful for it all. Think about the important people in your life. How much time do you spend with these individuals? Time is a great gift. Stay home and don't shop if you know you have a credit card bill with a $6000 balance and a minimum payment of $150 a month. Believe me! I am learning the hard way (for the 3rd time in my short life now)! Proud to say that this year my spouse and I have switched to a 'cash-only' lifestyle and have stuck to that for 90% of 2008. That's a record to be proud of. Next year is going to be awesome! 'Cash-only, baby!' and 'Financial Freedom!' are the two mantras we live by now. Yes, the $6000 credit card balance is there but it's dwindling down. Even for true emergencies, we do our best to not pull out the credit card and we use cash or debit. Why spend money that is not there? We understand that better now.
I read something somewhere once. It was actually a little Ziggy cartoon ad. Ziggy was walking by a retail store that had a big sign that read "SAVE 50% OFF EVERYTHING!" He hesitated. Hmm...all the great deals I can find! BUT then reality kicked in. Ziggy had a life that was satisfying already. He didn't need anything else in his life. The bubble above his head displayed his thoughts..."But I can save 100% if I just walk away..." Well, the bubble said something like that. But you get the idea, eh? Save 100%! Don't shop! What about writing a poem. Write a letter to someone. Letter writing is a lost art form. What about pulling out those watercolors or acrylics and creating a nice little painting for someone. Labors of love! Those are the best gifts to give and to receive.
So again, my message for this holiday shopping season...and the best weekend of all for this is usually Thanksgiving Day Weekend...SAVE 100% and STAY HOME! Save your money and create gifts from home. It's therapeutic. It's calming (for me anyway.) And your checkbook, wallet, and savings account will love it.
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