Monday, November 10, 2008

"Hello, Barack" and "Goodbye, George"

Today is the big day which marks the official transition of 'out with the old' and 'in with the new'. George leaves the White House and Mr. Barack Obama takes his place. Michelle and Barack Obama meet with President Bush and his wife, First Lady Laura Bush, in another historic moment. This is a traditional moment as presidents change leadership every four (or sometimes eight) years.

They will now exchange words in the Oval Office today. Behind closed doors. No reporters allowed. What in the heck will the say to one another?? How will President Bush respond to the eloquence of President Elect Barack Obama? I wish I could put a hidden microphone or camcorder in the Oval Office to get it on tape. Will they discuss that secret presidential memoirs that is alluded to in the movie National Treasure?

The Book of Secrets? (I am so gullible when it comes to this stuff!) Will President Bush show Barack Obama the secret compartments in the main desks and where the keys are kept? Will President Bush share with Barack Obama the current conspiracies that are lingering in today's political arena that only the presidents and their closest contacts know about? What exactly is Preseident Elect Obama inheriting from eight years of confusion, suffering, turmoil, mess, lies, etc., etc.? I'm not trying to be negative, but one wonders what the 'truth' is when it comes to politics. I think I watch too much television.

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