Two hilarious viral pieces came out this week surrounding "Tiger Mania". The first is the video game featured below, and under that is the funny sex scandal tape. Both the Tiger Video Game and Sex Scandal Parody are on this page for your viewing pleasure..."you're welcome" and Enjoy!
In this game, you are Tiger, and you are in your Escalade with your Mistress. The goal is simple, get through the game, but avoid obstacles like trees and fire hydrants so you won't get hit by your ex-wife with a golf club. You'll see a link to play the game for yourself. I don't need to play it, I get it. If you do, let us know what you score.
The other clip that premiered this week, is the fabricated "Tiger Sex Tape - Parody", which you will have to see to believe. In this clip, I think Tiger got some pretty good advice from his caddy (whom we hear is his number one when it came to doing many of things), and great job with the golf play by play.
Running count - as of today:
16 Mistresses total
Alleged illegal performance enhancing drug use
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Not Out of the Woods Yet: The Tiger Voice Mail
Good job Tiger? What are you thinking dude? Would it be better if he didn't call? And how did this voicemail get released?...Incredible!
Thanksgiving morning (2009)...Whoa!, Tiger is in an accident and is seriously injured. If you were like me, I thought he was dead and part of me was worried, I really like the guy. We find that he crashed into a fire hydrant and tree, and was pulled out of the car by his wife, after she breaks the window with golf club (which is weird).
Here's when "WE" come in...
Whoa, maybe the wife became distraught after she found of his extra marital affairs, so she attacks him, yeah, that's what happened, and that's why he lost control of the car. Wait a minute, Tiger has had extra marital affairs?...
So what seemingly could be a simple traffic accident, is now a big blockbuster circus event. Tiger is keeping things quiet, which is great, and has made a few press releases in the last few leaast we know he's okay (physically). Then, out of nowhere, today on his website, he discloses to everyone that he engaged in activities that aren't aligned with his values. I guess the pressure was too much. As they say, if you run, "WE" chase. He gave in.
This is fine, as long as its private. But everywhere, the discussion of cheating and monogamy is at the top of every discussion board and you have people who are vocal about it on both sides... Where are you?
It provides for some pretty good entertainment wouldn't you say, and part of me, doesn't want to believe that "The Tiger" cheated, he's got a beautiful wife, children, he's at the top of the world and he's a great roll model. Maybe he cheated maybe he didn't. I don't care. Let's move on folks...
Then today, we here his voicemail to a girl who he's had relations with, requesting that she remove her name from her Voice ID, so that her name doesn't appear on Tiger's phone, apparently the his lady got made...good for her.
It makes things a little more real and that Tiger is not so focused and at the top of his game after all. However, lots of people like this because it makes him human. It brings him down to earth. What do you think?
If it was anybody else, this would have gone away with the Thanksgiving turkey, but since its Tiger, there really is now escape. We'll be paying attention to see how this thing unravels. Stay tuned.
Tiger Woods
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Tiger is Not Completely Out of the Woods

Can you believe how much attention Tiger Woods has been getting? Sorta like our buddy, Dave Lettermen, maybe it's just better for Tiger to fess up. Infidelity is nothing new for the famous actor and athlete. I mean, c'mon people! Isn't that somewhere in the fine print for that particular job description. It's probably in tiny, tiny, tiny print somewhere in the contracts...
"Dost thou chooseth the path of an actor or athlete, thou dost also chooseth to have infidelitous affairs beyond the grasp of his or her morally correct parameters."
In other words, don't most athletes fall into this at least once in their lives. And hasn't infidelity in the sports world become a norm of sorts. Magic. A-Rod. Oscar de la Hoya. Yes. That's what I said. Derek Jeter. Dennis Rodman. Kobe. What is the truth?
Well, I am hoping that Tiger Woods will maintain a clean record. This Rachel lady has already said that she has nothing to do with him romantically. To be honest with you, I don't really care. It's too much. Let the people be. Let Tiger live his life and manage the situation with the family.
Tiger Woods
Friday, November 20, 2009
New Moon...Was It Your Moon?

Was it your moon? I just got back from watching a midnight show of this saga. First, I must say that I didn't even read the books. But now I MUST. I absolutely need more detail! Anyway, first reactions. DAMN! That was good. I mean, I did enjoy it. Jacob is seriously luscious! I do have to say that all I can think of when I see that little face is Shark Boy. However, those abs and guns...whew baby! Hold me, Jacob! Hold me! I'll kiss you if Bella won't! I will say that in my heart, I am still Team Edward. Eclipse is definitely going to have to do something to me to get me on Team Jacob. But that sparkle of Edward has me good. My lust for Jacob is purely phsyical.
I do also have to say that...ALL YOU DIE HARD TWILIGHT FANS ARE CRAZY! I can't believe I stood in line with all of you who were about to knock someone's eyes out if they took half a step in front of you while waiting in line. Sheez! I was among the teeny bopper, young adult crowd. I'm telling you, this cougar felt part of the in crowd. LOL! haha...go out and see New Moon. I think you'll enjoy! Then go and read the books! OR...go read the books first. Whatever! Be part of the craze. It's a must! Make it your moon!
Edward Cullen,
New Moon
Oprah Calls It Quits

Oprah will be ending her 25 year long show sometime in the year 2011. That is, unless her fans and EMPLOYEES urge her not to do so. She has done so much for the public and even more for those fans of her whom have been changed personally somehow. But do not fear! My guess is that she has something even greater planned! She is going to pull something out of that hat of hers. She is truly a woman of dreams and goals and her mission is not yet complete. So, congratulations to Oprah on such a wonderful monument of a talk show you have created! It will be impossible to recreate what you have created. No one and no other show will ever take the place of yours! Good luck!
Oprah Winfrey
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Miley Cyrus, You're Okay!

Contrary to what some in the media say and some non-fan critics, I feel that Miley Cyrus is actually okay. She really has worked hard to get to where she is. No doubt, her father played a role in it, but she really has worked hard! I personally like the song that she sings called "The Climb."
She had that one Vanity Fair spread that got lots of buzz. But really folks, who cares. Just let her be. She didn't pose for Playboy! I mean, the photos weren't that bad. They were Miley Cyrus showing that she is developing into the woman that every little girl will also develop into. Just let her be. Let her grow and learn. Supposedly her parents were okay with it all and were at the shoot. Anyway...
I do enjoy Miley Cyrus and actually liked the movie that came out. It was different than her corny shows. It was actually a nice, simple, country girl movie. Great for a movie night if you have young daughters.
Hannah Montana,
Miley Cyrus,
Party in the USA,
The Climb
Friday, November 13, 2009
"2012": Premiere - Las Vegas Destroyed

If you are from Las Vegas, or if you have ever lost a ton a money on the Strip? This will make you feel better. Here's the featurette that describes the process for destroying Las Vegas in the movie 2012 that I found to be interesting. See if you can recognize some of the buildings on the Strip. I saw Encore, Wynn and the Venetian. If you happen to check out the movie, let us know how you liked it. The movie opens today.
Friday, October 30, 2009
The Little Buddy Tracker ON SALE NOW!!

Grab this big hit of a device this holiday season or whenever so that you can track your little rugrats or teenage mutants as they are out roaming the playgrounds, streets, movie theaters, arcades, and whatever places kids hang out this days. This Little Buddy Tracker seems to be the next best option if you don't want to implant a microchip underneath your child's skin. This device is sure to be a popular item this season.
Best Buy sells them.
Read some reviews about them.
The Best Buy website also has some reviews by customers as well as opinions. Thinking outside the box of putting this on a person, why not stick it under your carseat, in a luggage, etc. for the purposes of tracking your 'whatever' if it were stolen.
Check it out!
Little Buddy Tracker
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Mackenzie Rosman Poses Nude

The hope is that this up and coming Hollywood actress starlet will never need to come to such a thing. Not that posing nude is bad, but I can many times recall that nudity is really used as attention getter for those actors who have fallen out of the limelight. Just an opinion.
But on the real, this beautiful young actress of 19, best known for her role as Ruthie Camden in "7th Heaven" has made it to the big screen. We'll see how critics come through for her. She'll star in Edgar Allen Poe's Ligiea, playing the role of Loreli.
This is somewhat of a dark role for her. Just read the general plot of the movie and you'll agree.
Mackenzie Rosman
Monday, October 26, 2009
Ivanka Trump Got Married

Wow! Doesn't she look stunning? I don't know much about this guy, but do you think money has anything to do with this? Okay, I'm just kidding. All I know is that he is Jewish, they got married in a beautiful and extravagant Trump National Golf Club with 500 of their closest friends. Some of those friends included Natalie Portman, Regis Philbin, and Russell Crowe. Ivanka, 27 and Jared Kushner, 28 will make beautiful music together...and probably more beautiful money and investments. They both have brains and looks (and a great Father-in-Law for Jared). I'm sure they could hold their own.
Donald's blessings to them sounded to the ring of "Be happy and enjoy your life!" Need I say more for any newlywed couple. BIG CONGRATULATIONS!
You can read more here...
and here...
and still here...Look at that ROCK!
Ivanka Trump's Wedding,
Jared Kushner
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sexy Adam Lambert Shows His Heterosexuality

Okay, we all know he is gay. But this picture just shocks me. Wow! Adam Lambert openly admits to being gay. But he does also admit to once in a while, finding women attractive. Read more about it and think what you want! What I like about him is that he is open and honest, unafraid to be who he is. He doesn't hide some stars have or do.
So, good for you Mr. Lambert! This photo is smokin'! I hope my kids don't see this post though. Well, if they do, I'll just have to be prepared to answer some questions. That's okay. I'm ready.
Adam Lambert
Adam Lambert 2012

Here it is... a sneak peak to Adam Lambert's song that will be featured in the movie 2012.
It's just a sneak preview of the song. Not the whole song. But you go Adam Lambert! American Idol's runner up has still made all other runners up! LOL...
Still not sure what the intention of the 2012 movie is. Freak me out! See the Official Movie Site.
Adam Lambert
2012...The End of Time...Is it True?
Are you freaking out as much as I am? Have you watched the trailer for this movie 2012?? Who will survive? You? Me? Only people who don't live near water?
I think about my damn Honors English teacher who shared this e.e. cummings poem:
not. Progress is a comfortable disease:
your victim (death and life safely beyond)
plays with the bigness of his littleness
--- electrons deify one razorblade
into a mountainrange; lenses extend
unwish through curving wherewhen till unwish
returns on its unself.
A world of made
is not a world of born --- pity poor flesh
and trees, poor stars and stones, but never this
fine specimen of hypermagical
ultraomnipotence. We doctors know
a hopeless case if --- listen: there's a hell
of a good universe next door; let's go
E. E. Cummings First of all, I hated that teacher. She made me feel stupid. She surely had her favorites and I was not one of them. But I do remember her asking the class to interpret this poem. I do recall understanding the poem at the time. I simply did not know how to put my understanding into words. The scare of the movie 2012 makes me think of this poem.
Secondly, how exactly do YOU interpret this? What is manunkind...or is Cummings referring to the turn 'humankind' has taken by all of the unrest, the injustice, the hate or indifference which has occurred in the world? This poem was written in 1944. Something to think about. Search the internet for more interpretation of this poem. A little too much for me to get into it on a Sunday night. I need to get ready for the week.
In summary for this moment's blog:
I think about my damn Honors English teacher who shared this e.e. cummings poem:
'pity this busy monster, manunkind'
pity this busy monster, manunkind,not. Progress is a comfortable disease:
your victim (death and life safely beyond)
plays with the bigness of his littleness
--- electrons deify one razorblade
into a mountainrange; lenses extend
unwish through curving wherewhen till unwish
returns on its unself.
A world of made
is not a world of born --- pity poor flesh
and trees, poor stars and stones, but never this
fine specimen of hypermagical
ultraomnipotence. We doctors know
a hopeless case if --- listen: there's a hell
of a good universe next door; let's go
E. E. Cummings First of all, I hated that teacher. She made me feel stupid. She surely had her favorites and I was not one of them. But I do remember her asking the class to interpret this poem. I do recall understanding the poem at the time. I simply did not know how to put my understanding into words. The scare of the movie 2012 makes me think of this poem.
Secondly, how exactly do YOU interpret this? What is manunkind...or is Cummings referring to the turn 'humankind' has taken by all of the unrest, the injustice, the hate or indifference which has occurred in the world? This poem was written in 1944. Something to think about. Search the internet for more interpretation of this poem. A little too much for me to get into it on a Sunday night. I need to get ready for the week.
In summary for this moment's blog:
- Don't always believe your High School English interpretation of YOU.
- Watch the Trailer for 2012 and decide for yourself if it would make sense to actually occur.
- Start getting rid of all of your possessions, because if the world is coming to an end, you can't take all the stuff with you anyway.
- Love your family. Hug those who are important to you. Tell someone you love 'em.
E.E. Cummings
Friday, October 23, 2009
Mommy Heene Confesses to the Hoax of the Balloon Incident

I can't believe what I am hearing. For crying out loud, in the name of common sense, what were you thinking Mrs. Heene? Are these rumors correct that you were part of the scheme, the hoax of your son's balloon incident? What is going on? If fame is what Mr. & Mrs. Heene are seeking, well that is what they received. As well as looking like FOOLS!
According to the Zimbio website:
"Mayumi told investigators that she and the boy's father started building the flying-saucer-like craft 2 weeks before the incident specifically to carry out the hoax. Heene also said the parents instructed their 3 children to lie to the media for the sake of the story."
I mean...really people! Can this story get any better? They should, at minimum, get some psychiatric evaluation! Well, really, in about 3 years...2012... in won't matter anymore. The earth is going to fall to pieces, explode, land masses will break apart and fall into the ocean, etc. Anyway, good luck Heene family. Hopefully you have a good attorney.
Balloon Boy,
Mayumi Heene
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Is Balloon Boy's Dad Making Mom the Victim?

With all this stuff and television coverage that Richard Heene has been getting, there is talk of whether or not the wife, Mayumi Heene, plays a sort of victim role through it all. If you don't know the story, quick summary:
Large balloon of some sort was seen flying through the air. It was alleged that this balloon was carrying one of the children of the Heene family and it quickly caught the attention of the news. Then, it was being looked into as a hoax. Maybe Richard planned it all as a way to get some media hype back in his life. Maybe the Heene family's own reality show. I don't know. It's a little crazy. You can read for yourself about that whole ordeal about the "Balloon Boy" incident.
As for the mother, Mayumi, here is what one family friend had to say:
Call it crazy. Call it a hoax. I don't know what to make of it. But it certainly seems to interest YOU! Why are you reading this? Don't you have something better to do with your time?
Balloon Boy,
Heene Family,
Mayumi Heene,
Richard Heene
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Gotta Get A Uroclub!

Wow! If I needed a good laugh it certainly came after viewing today's featured Uroclub on the new reality show Shark Tank. NO DOUBT this product is catching the attention of many. And honestly, it probably functions for many! I mean, either the man goes to the closest, most discreet tree on the golf course or he turns to his hidden urinal mixed in with his golf clubs. Maybe a free bottle of antibacterial cream should come with it.
That's really all I have to say about this one!
Pee in a Golf Club,
Shark Tank,
Monday, October 19, 2009
Jon Gosselin Pops The Question

Jon Gosselin pops the question to his girlfriend, Hailey Glassman, while going for a carriage ride in Manhattan...True or False? OH! Sucka! It's false! You are so engrossed with this guy, aren't you? Well, I admit I am a little bit. I actually find it very entertaining. It's unfortunate that in 20 years from now, those eight little children will be able to research on the internet ALL this stuff about their father way back when.
It's a shame the children have to be caught up in all of this media attention, broken marriage, wild child of a father, mother made out to be a little overbearing herself. Hey, I'm just reporting it as I hear it and see it in all the entertainment news myself. Best wishes to Jon apart from Kate and both of their future endeavors. Blessings upon those children. (boo-hoo...enough of that!)
Of course, I do not know all the truths myself. I do not know these people. I don't like to see any marriage dissolve. I, for one, believe in the institution of marriage. Fortunate for me, I found a great person to spend the rest of my life with. Anywho...back to Jon.
Here, check this out...
Hailey Glassman,
Jon and Kate Plus 8,
Jon Gosselin
Friday, October 9, 2009
Congratulations, Barack Obama!

Wow! Way to go Barack Obama! You deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. Just look at the role model you have been for many around the world. Yahoo writes about it. CNN Europe writes about it. This is just about the best news I've heard today. Sorry for all of you very right wing conservatives. Please don't criticize and just let him have his moment. You have to agree that he did work hard to get to the place where he is. Maybe it wasn't just Obama, but his whole team. Check out to read more about it. Then after that, go to MSNBC. The New York Times write about it, too. But really folks, can't we just send him our congratulations! There always has to be some negative person or entity, doesn't there...with anything in this world. Why don't you all work on filling people's buckets versus dipping into their buckets! Let him have his prize. Again, I say Congratulations! Job well done!
Barack Obama,
Nobel Peace Prize 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Say NO to the H1N1 Virus! Prevention is the Key!

Taken directly from the CDC website, here is what you need to do to NOT get the H1N1 virus. Of course there is no guarantee, but with so much focus on the confusing and upcoming vaccine that is due out, I say that doing your best to stay well should be the focus. Here it is...
What You Can Do to Stay Healthy
- Stay informed. This website will be updated regularly as information becomes available.
- Influenza is thought to spread mainly person-to-person through coughing or sneezing of infected people.
- Take everyday actions to stay healthy.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hands cleaners are also effective.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way.
- Stay home if you get sick. CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.
- Follow public health advice regarding school closures, avoiding crowds and other social distancing measures.
- Find healthy ways to deal with stress and anxiety.
- Call 1-800-CDC-INFO for more information.
Another maybe sort of new age approach for all starts with the thought. Sometimes the mind doesn't know the difference between reality and make believe. Sometimes your physical body will follow the thoughts that your mind is feeding you! Keep thinking healthy thoughts. I really believe that helps! Get some rest, drink lots of water, all those things that mother always tells us. Stay well and good luck!
Flu prevention,
H1N1 Virus
Jon Gosselin LOVES the Attention

Is this guy really loving the attention, hanging out at the hottest places where he KNOWS the paparazzi will be, begging to get some TV time in any which way he can. I mean, work it baby! He definitely is and definitely has! Poor Kate!? Or maybe not. I mean, the rumors say that she was a difficult woman to live with. Honestly, who cares at this point.
Oh wait, he was "abused" by Kate. This is interesting.
My concern is with the eight children. They need some sanity in their lives, and sorry Jon. I don't think it's coming from you. Kate seems to be the one holding together more so. I really don't know. I'm not her best friend and I'm not his mistress. But really folks, it doesn't matter. I say, go home and kiss your own spouse or significant other. Go home and spend some quality time with your children and pets. Make your time make a difference to your loved ones and those you care about, and that which is important. Get off the computer!
Jon and Kate Plus Eight,
Jon Gosselin
Maya Angelou: A Classic, A Legend, A Renaissance Woman

Rumors were flying that Maya Angelou was rushed to an L.A. Hospital when in fact, she was home and well. Interesting how the media can pick up a tidbit of information, fact or lie. Then moments later, the media is on it. The rumor even included that she died...the downs of pop culture.
But this is my opportunity to pay tribute to this legend. She first began to inspire me when she spoke at Bill Clinton's inauguration way back when with the following poem:
On The Pulse of Morning
I have always seen Maya Angelou as a role model, even though she and I are not of the same ethnic background. She is pure inspiration, to be respected and looked up to for her works, beliefs, values, and faith.
Just view here WEBSITE and know that she is a phenomenal woman!
No people, Maya Angelou is NOT hospitalized! She is well and she is not going anywhere! She is actually due to speak at UC Riverside about her books being banned. Insanity, ladies and gentlemen. This woman's writings are only things we can learn from and be inspired by. She will speak at UC Riverside on October 22, 2009.
banned books,
Maya Angelou dead?
Saturday, October 3, 2009

I just want to say WOW! He sounds SOOOoooo much like the original artist with Journey. It sounds great! I swear Filipinos sing so well! They ARE the karaoke champions, anyway. Well, back on subject...supposedly he used to try to make money, singing on the streets of Manila, doing Journey covers. He was discovered by the original band members of Journey, minus Steve Perry. Besides, that is who Arnel Pineda replaced for the new Journey of the Millenium! I mean, OMG...Oh my goodness!!
He used to play with a Philippine based pop band called The Zoo. Journey discovered him on YouTube! Wow! YouTube, you are so awesome. So much talent is discovered through this venue. Here is an interview that is more than a year old which gives a little more background.
I have friends who are watching Journey as we speak, in Las Vegas, Nevada at the M Resort! I love that place, too. What an awesome place for him to have a concert! Anyway, congratulations and continued congratulations to Arnel Pineda and his family for such a great dream come true! You are great!
And I would like to say...THANK YOU to Oprah for recognizing this great talent! This episode of Journey on Oprah will air on Monday, October 5, 2009.
Arnel Pineda,
M Resort,
The Zoo
Friday, October 2, 2009
Zombieland Premiere
I just had to write that I think many of us get a kick seeing really bad stuff happen to killer zombies, and the more violent the death, the better it makes us feel. We can't wait for this movie to open and in this trailer, the creepiest part are the little zombie girls at the wedding. If we learn anything from this film, its what to do if a zombie attacks you in the bathroom while doing your business on the can.
And if you are lucky, you get to play a zombie. For those of you can't get enough of the zombie thing, check out the behind the scenes footage below, look at the zombie actors running around the amusement and for a moment, imagine that you are one of these guys. Would you play a zombie for cheap money? If I knew that this film was going to be cult classic, I wouldn't hesitate one bit.
May the zombie brain splattering begin! - A perfect way to begin the Halloween season.
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
And if you are lucky, you get to play a zombie. For those of you can't get enough of the zombie thing, check out the behind the scenes footage below, look at the zombie actors running around the amusement and for a moment, imagine that you are one of these guys. Would you play a zombie for cheap money? If I knew that this film was going to be cult classic, I wouldn't hesitate one bit.
May the zombie brain splattering begin! - A perfect way to begin the Halloween season.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Michael Jackson's Ghost
The interest in Michael Jackson continues even after his passing, and it will continue to pick up steam. On October 28th, a limited engagement viewing of "This Is It", a documentary of Michael Jackson's final days in preparation for his concert tour, which came to an end with his passing, will play in selected cities around the world, for only two weeks.
To not end there though, his popularity has grown even more so as people in the Neverland Ranch, claim to have seen his ghost. The car image, as you will see, is a stretch, but the shadow in the room...well we're just not sure. It could be someone passing in the garden.
Michael, is that you? We all like to think that it is.
The movie appears interesting, we get to see his work ethic, final performances, attention to stage detail, his personality, his relationships, new songs and Michael's raw talent.
To not end there though, his popularity has grown even more so as people in the Neverland Ranch, claim to have seen his ghost. The car image, as you will see, is a stretch, but the shadow in the room...well we're just not sure. It could be someone passing in the garden.
Michael, is that you? We all like to think that it is.
Michael Jackson
Friday, September 25, 2009
Baby Dances to Beyonce
How old do you have to be in one of Beyone's music videos? You can still be in diapers, but you have to be born with the right moves. This little baby's got it all.
Too funny.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Obama Kanye West Remix
Last week, the following video captured the entire country, and it started with Kanye West's comment during Taylor Swift's award on MTVs Video Music Awards. When I first saw this clip, I thought about how genius it was to put the two clips together, as both pieces of footage were fresh in our minds. So, to the creative people who put this together, well done.
And if you haven't seen this, here are Taylor's comments and remarks regarding Kanye's interruption. She's pretty classy and has taken all of this in stride. "Kanye, cool haircut."
And, to add closure to this entire event, here is Kanye's interview on Jay Leno's premiere. Jay really let him have it as he asked Kanye about how his mother would feel about his actions. He was met with an unexpected silence, as all of us listened to what he had to say. The moment was dramatic and I believe, sincere. At first, it seemed like a low blow, but it really brought his actions into the light. His action at the VMA's may have hurt Kanye's career, and I don't think his appearance on Leno will help him bounce back, but it does make him appear to be a better person than I had expected, I wish him luck.
This clip is tough to find, if you search for this on Youtube, you'll see lots of silly posts from people describing. Just watch it for yourself here on MSNBC...
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Kanye West
Sunday, September 13, 2009
ELLEN is the NEW JUDGE on American Idol!!
I totally love this! Ellen speaks for the people! She is going to make the American Idol ratings soar even more! She'll bring a sincerity and humor to the show that Simon, Randy, and the other lady (what's her name again?) can not and do not bring! YES! I am tuned in to American Idol for sure this season. It's all because of you Ellen! We love you!
American Idol,
Ellen DeGeneres
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Black Eyed Peas: Infectious Flash Mob Performance on Oprah's Season Premiere
This week, I saw this and felt that it was one of the most incredible things I have seen in a long time.
Oprah's season opener featured performances from popular groups like Rascal Flats, Jennifer Hudson, James Taylor and Chris Angel, but there was one in particular that I though was very special. During the The Black Eyed Peas performance of the song "I Got a Feelin" there was an incredible Flash Mob performance that turned out to be a nice surprise
For those of you who don't know, a Flash Mob is a large scale choreographed performance involving hundreds, even thousands of people. The cool thing about this Flash Mob, is that I don't think anyone knew about it, including Oprah. When I saw it, I thought it was incredible, the energy was infectious and left me feeling really happy.
If anyone out there was part of that Oprah Flash Mob, and happened to stumble upon this blog, feel free to chime in and let us know what it was like. I'll bet that you'll never forget that day. I wish I was there, but in all honesty, the energy could be felt from far away - it was truly amazing. I could only imagine some of the bystanders who were attended but were not part of the originating group, I'm sure you couldn't help but join in either.
The Flash Mob portion of the clip begins at about :58, and after the performance, you'll see a segment about how the entire stunt was planned, organized and executed. The incredible thing is that the word got out through the use of Facebook and Twitter. Way to go guys on pulling off an incredible memorable event.
The original instance of the Flash Mob can be seen in this clip below, filmed in Antwerp Belgium approaching 11 million hits.
and more recently in Mexico, over 13,000 people perform Michael Jackson's Thriller, I think that's a new Guiness Book World Record.
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Monday, August 24, 2009
Danyl Johnson, 27-year Old Teacher, Takes The Show

Ah yes! It's a teacher! God Bless all the teachers and the talented ones, too! You know there are so many out there. Teachers, if they've got some zing, are truly talented. For example...DANYL JOHNSON! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Dang! The guy can saaaang! He was awesome. I mean, please take a moment to search for him on YouTube by just typing in his name. He totally rocked the show. That song is not easy to sing AND make everyone feel blown away by it. It's a plain and simple song but he rocked out. Simon Cowell gave a standing ovation and that's all that matters, eh? Take see...some the hype about him in the last several days.
Danyl Johnson, singing teacher, gets Simon Cowell Ovation
Danyl Johnson: The Next Susan Boyle?
The X-Factor 2009- Danyl Johnson- Incredible First Audition
And now...for the Danyl Johnson performance of greatness experienced now only on YouTube...please take a short moment to watch and smile!
Danyl Johnson,
The X Factor 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
How To Master Bejeweled Blitz

So, how do you master this game? Well, there are a few theories. I will share two. Number One. Just make your eyes move super fast and find all the combinations and if you are lucky, please find the combinations that give you a hypercube. BUT STILL keep moving fast. Number the multipliers because it takes 10 seconds for a next multiplier to drop once a previous one has come out. And do your best to explode the multipliers one after the other right away while still making your eyes move super fast to find the 3, 4, and 5 shape combos!
Okay. That's it. Otherwise, in all honesty, it is PURE LUCK ladies and gentlemen. Please. I have had many of my addicted friends tell me that the game just kept going and cascading. It's all in the luck of the drop friends. You think you are skilled? Maybe a little. But how did my one friend get over 1,000,000 points and she barely could understand how to play.
Another bit of food for thought...why in the world are you spending hours at a time playing this silly game when you have homework to do, an essay to write, children to feed, laundry to clean, bills to pay, a workout to complete...what can be more important. Think about it for a minute. What has gotten you so sucked into this game? What is lacking in your life? What makes you stay and watch the colorful screen, hear the sexy computerized voice say "good", "excellent", "incredible", and more. Who is this voice? Does anyone know?
I don't know. But, if you'll excuse me for a minute...I need to log on to Facebook and ummm...see you later. I have something to do...
Bejeweled Blitz
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael Jackson Died Today

So hard to believe, can't believe it's true.
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
This is breaking news all over the country. Really, all over the world. This will be a moment to go down in history. Despite the negativity he has survived in years past, it is no lie that Michael Jackson is an icon and an idol to many. For weeks we will hear and see about this tragic event. Yet we will also be able to rejoice and appreciate his gifts and his talent to the musical world.
God Bless You Michael!
(Photo credit to:
Michael Jackson
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Rihanna and Chris Brown Controversy

Over and over again, someone, somewhere is being hit. One out of 3 women is abused in this country...these are reported cases. Where is the line drawn? When is it abuse? When is it dangerous and when does it need more attention? Ladies, help yourselves and get out before it's too late. I take this issue to heart because I have a loved one dear to me who is in this right now and I am so scared for her. I can only tell her so much but she has to want to leave. She doesn't see what everyone else sees. "Oh, but he's a good father." and "I don't think he would ever go that far." and "He's just saying that because he's depressed and angry." Best one of all: "I must have done something to provoke him. It's partly my fault."
Tell-tale signs for anyone out there...
- Your abuser shows controlling behavior: If your significant other is telling you who you can hang out with, what friends you can have, when or where you can go, what time you need to be home, THAT IS A SIGN!!! that this relationship is damaging your soul and spirit. Is he going through your emails, looking at your cell phone calls and texts? Why does he not trust? Wake up! Get out!
- This person is using threats or guilt: "If you don't..." blah, blah, blah, then "I'll leave you." "If you don't..." yadda, yadda, yadda, "then you must not love me enough." These are manipulative ways the person is trying to control you. Love is not that way. Real love does not have conditions.
- The person insists on sex: HELLO!!!! This is surely a sign that the relationship is not healthy. Sex is not even the issue. It's control. It's not about "love". This person wants to be in a position where you are vulnerable. THAT IS SCARY!!
- (These 3 points discussed on the Oprah show today.)
It is a good thing that the Chris Brown and Rihanna situation has surfaced. This is not good for any of our youth to witness. I hate to say it, but I'm sure there are some people out there who say "She deserved it!" BS! No one deserves it! And there are some people who believe it was just a one time thing & he won't do it again. What do you think? Haven't we had enough of this? I don't care if he is a mega-star. He deserves what's coming to him. I hope that she starts to wake-up and see the real deal, too.
Chris Brown,
Sunday, March 8, 2009
NEW Dancing With the Stars SEASON 8 BEGINS March 9th
Check out this awesome line up...
- Belinda Carlisle, #1 Go-Go and one of my idols!!
- Nancy O'Dell, Gorgeous Blonde Anchor with Access Hollywood
- Chuck Wicks, Country Star
- Gilles Marini, HOT hot shower Stud from Sex and the City
- Jewel, Blonde Beauty Alternative Pop Singer
- David Alan Grier, Comedian and Actor
- Lawrence Taylor, Football Star & Giant
- Lil' Kim, Booty-Shakin Rapper/Artist
- Denise Richards, Hot & Sexy Model & Actress
- Shawn Johnson, Olympic Gymnast Golden Girl...the youngest this season
- Steve-O, Reality's Most Daring, Tattoo Infested Guy
- Steve Wozniak, MAC Mastermind, Co-founder of Apple Computers Millionaire
- Ty Murray, Rodeo Champ and Cute may I add
I am so looking forward to this. Some pre-2-Hour Premiere thoughts...Denise Richards totally has the sexy hips advantage. Shawn Johnson will no doubt have great flexibility and choreography talent. Lil' Kim...whoa! Watch out America. She may get both steamy and sexy cuz I know she's got moves and talents. This just may be the show's most exciting season ever. The guys? I can't wait to see Steve-O wear some skimpy outfits to show off all his tattoos. MAC wizard? Steve may have moves in the tech world, but can you jig-it baby? I can't wait!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Melissa Tells All on Ellen
Jason broke up with Melissa at the Final Rose episode and now Melissa spills the beans about what really least from her point of view. I love that Ellen got this first interview because I love Ellen. The thing that bothers me about all this "Bachelor" drama is that these people cannot live their lives without millions of viewers knowing the details. But of course, that's what they signed up for. I'm sure the contract stated that they had to share experiences no matter what...on TV! I guess if I had children and an economy like today's, I'd tell all and show some and more for the money. MO MONEY MO MONEY!! It's all about the greens, baby!
So, Melissa, I'm sorry for what Jason did to you. I think you knew that the two of you were not meant to be together in the end. It may have been a huge challenge based on the way both of you have talked about it. Since you didn't exchange vows, you both had a way out. If you had both went ahead and eloped, then that "I do" would have been forever and maybe we would have seen you both on Dr. Phil! But now, as you've shared with Ellen, you have a new beau. Good for you! Good luck and best wishes to Jason and Molly, too!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

OMG! OMG! I can't believe that! Although, I guess this as as real as it gets. Jason first picks Melissa and then has a change of heart. Quite honestly, she seemed like a bitch. But I'd turn into a bitch, too if I were Melissa. On the other hand, Molly was just a damsel in distress waiting for Prince Charming to come...or to come back I guess. Only time will tell with this Love Triangle. Although, it's not a triangle anymore. It's just a line segment, from point A to point B (...for all you Geometry Club members.) From Jason to Molly, since Melissa is out of the picture. UNLESS it becomes a fatal attraction situation. Again, only time will tell. Molly is surely smitten with the whole situation and will demand some answers of course. But she got her man. (Oh yeah, and Melissa called Jason a "bastard" on live television! Wow! That's crazy...and funny, too!)
Jason Mesnick,
The Bachelor 13
Monday, January 19, 2009
Barack Obama Fever

This is such an historic moment for us all. Whether we were a supporter from the start or not, no one can deny the impact of what is to occur in these next few hours. My sister is among the crowd of all those with Obama fever, as she represents my whole family who could not be just yards away from the action and the change. Just a breath away from the man who will lead our nation. This time is filled with hope and promise. I do believe in Barack Obama and what he can and will do for our country. We must all understand that it will not happen overnight. And still, to all the naysayers, stop it already. Spread love. Spread hope. Spread the message that things can only get better and move forward with this man as our leader. God Bless America.
For an awesome library of photos of Barack Obama, click here.
Stay tuned for my reaction, opinion, feelings, and thoughts about Inaugural Day 2009!
Barack Obama,
Inaugural Day 2009,
Inauguration 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Gil's Last Moments on CSI

I hate to ruin it for you, but I loved this last scene and Gil's reason for leaving CSI Las Vegas! He left for love! He left to go be with the love of his life, Sara. I mean, I am hating that William Petersen is leaving the show. He is the backbone for all of CSI. I truly hate to see him leave. But I'll have to say that I love that he left Las Vegas for love. Call me a softy. Good for you, Gil. We should all do more for love!!
CSI Las Vegas,
Gil Grissom,
William Peterson
Monday, January 12, 2009
Kate Winslet is the Bomb!

Simply, in brief...
Did you see her Golden Globe speech last night? She is beautiful, gorgeous, and awesome! I am so happy for her. And now that Leonardo no longer looks like a little boy, I love that he was her leading man once again after not being so for a very long time. Congratulations to Kate! You are great! Looking forward to seeing you win the Oscar, too!
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