Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Not Out of the Woods Yet: The Tiger Voice Mail

Good job Tiger? What are you thinking dude? Would it be better if he didn't call? And how did this voicemail get released?...Incredible!

Thanksgiving morning (2009)...Whoa!, Tiger is in an accident and is seriously injured. If you were like me, I thought he was dead and part of me was worried, I really like the guy. We find that he crashed into a fire hydrant and tree, and was pulled out of the car by his wife, after she breaks the window with golf club (which is weird).

Here's when "WE" come in...

Whoa, maybe the wife became distraught after she found of his extra marital affairs, so she attacks him, yeah, that's what happened, and that's why he lost control of the car. Wait a minute, Tiger has had extra marital affairs?...

So what seemingly could be a simple traffic accident, is now a big blockbuster circus event. Tiger is keeping things quiet, which is great, and has made a few press releases in the last few leaast we know he's okay (physically). Then, out of nowhere, today on his website, he discloses to everyone that he engaged in activities that aren't aligned with his values. I guess the pressure was too much. As they say, if you run, "WE" chase. He gave in.

This is fine, as long as its private. But everywhere, the discussion of cheating and monogamy is at the top of every discussion board and you have people who are vocal about it on both sides... Where are you?

It provides for some pretty good entertainment wouldn't you say, and part of me, doesn't want to believe that "The Tiger" cheated, he's got a beautiful wife, children, he's at the top of the world and he's a great roll model. Maybe he cheated maybe he didn't. I don't care. Let's move on folks...

Then today, we here his voicemail to a girl who he's had relations with, requesting that she remove her name from her Voice ID, so that her name doesn't appear on Tiger's phone, apparently the his lady got made...good for her.

It makes things a little more real and that Tiger is not so focused and at the top of his game after all. However, lots of people like this because it makes him human. It brings him down to earth. What do you think?

If it was anybody else, this would have gone away with the Thanksgiving turkey, but since its Tiger, there really is now escape. We'll be paying attention to see how this thing unravels. Stay tuned.

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