Rumors were flying that Maya Angelou was rushed to an L.A. Hospital when in fact, she was home and well. Interesting how the media can pick up a tidbit of information, fact or lie. Then moments later, the media is on it. The rumor even included that she died...the downs of pop culture.
But this is my opportunity to pay tribute to this legend. She first began to inspire me when she spoke at Bill Clinton's inauguration way back when with the following poem:
On The Pulse of Morning
I have always seen Maya Angelou as a role model, even though she and I are not of the same ethnic background. She is pure inspiration, to be respected and looked up to for her works, beliefs, values, and faith.
Just view here WEBSITE and know that she is a phenomenal woman!
No people, Maya Angelou is NOT hospitalized! She is well and she is not going anywhere! She is actually due to speak at UC Riverside about her books being banned. Insanity, ladies and gentlemen. This woman's writings are only things we can learn from and be inspired by. She will speak at UC Riverside on October 22, 2009.
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