Is this guy really loving the attention, hanging out at the hottest places where he KNOWS the paparazzi will be, begging to get some TV time in any which way he can. I mean, work it baby! He definitely is and definitely has! Poor Kate!? Or maybe not. I mean, the rumors say that she was a difficult woman to live with. Honestly, who cares at this point.
Oh wait, he was "abused" by Kate. This is interesting.
My concern is with the eight children. They need some sanity in their lives, and sorry Jon. I don't think it's coming from you. Kate seems to be the one holding together more so. I really don't know. I'm not her best friend and I'm not his mistress. But really folks, it doesn't matter. I say, go home and kiss your own spouse or significant other. Go home and spend some quality time with your children and pets. Make your time make a difference to your loved ones and those you care about, and that which is important. Get off the computer!
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