Grab this big hit of a device this holiday season or whenever so that you can track your little rugrats or teenage mutants as they are out roaming the playgrounds, streets, movie theaters, arcades, and whatever places kids hang out this days. This Little Buddy Tracker seems to be the next best option if you don't want to implant a microchip underneath your child's skin. This device is sure to be a popular item this season.
The Best Buy website also has some reviews by customers as well as opinions. Thinking outside the box of putting this on a person, why not stick it under your carseat, in a luggage, etc. for the purposes of tracking your 'whatever' if it were stolen.
The hope is that this up and coming Hollywood actress starlet will never need to come to such a thing. Not that posing nude is bad, but I can many times recall that nudity is really used as attention getter for those actors who have fallen out of the limelight. Just an opinion.
But on the real, this beautiful young actress of 19, best known for her role as Ruthie Camden in "7th Heaven" has made it to the big screen. We'll see how critics come through for her. She'll star in Edgar Allen Poe's Ligiea, playing the role of Loreli.
This is somewhat of a dark role for her. Just read the general plot of the movie and you'll agree.
Wow! Doesn't she look stunning? I don't know much about this guy, but do you think money has anything to do with this? Okay, I'm just kidding. All I know is that he is Jewish, they got married in a beautiful and extravagant Trump National Golf Club with 500 of their closest friends. Some of those friends included Natalie Portman, Regis Philbin, and Russell Crowe. Ivanka, 27 and Jared Kushner, 28 will make beautiful music together...and probably more beautiful money and investments. They both have brains and looks (and a great Father-in-Law for Jared). I'm sure they could hold their own.
Donald's blessings to them sounded to the ring of "Be happy and enjoy your life!" Need I say more for any newlywed couple. BIG CONGRATULATIONS!
Okay, we all know he is gay. But this picture just shocks me. Wow! Adam Lambert openly admits to being gay. But he does also admit to once in a while, finding women attractive. Read more about it and think what you want! What I like about him is that he is open and honest, unafraid to be who he is. He doesn't hide some stars have or do.
So, good for you Mr. Lambert! This photo is smokin'! I hope my kids don't see this post though. Well, if they do, I'll just have to be prepared to answer some questions. That's okay. I'm ready.
Here it is... a sneak peak to Adam Lambert's song that will be featured in the movie 2012.
It's just a sneak preview of the song. Not the whole song. But you go Adam Lambert! American Idol's runner up has still made all other runners up! LOL...
Still not sure what the intention of the 2012 movie is. Freak me out! See the Official Movie Site.
Are you freaking out as much as I am? Have you watched the trailer for this movie 2012?? Who will survive? You? Me? Only people who don't live near water?
I think about my damn Honors English teacher who shared this e.e. cummings poem:
'pity this busy monster, manunkind'
pity this busy monster, manunkind,
not. Progress is a comfortable disease: your victim (death and life safely beyond)
plays with the bigness of his littleness --- electrons deify one razorblade into a mountainrange; lenses extend unwish through curving wherewhen till unwish returns on its unself. A world of made is not a world of born --- pity poor flesh
and trees, poor stars and stones, but never this fine specimen of hypermagical
ultraomnipotence. We doctors know
a hopeless case if --- listen: there's a hell of a good universe next door; let's go
E. E. Cummings First of all, I hated that teacher. She made me feel stupid. She surely had her favorites and I was not one of them. But I do remember her asking the class to interpret this poem. I do recall understanding the poem at the time. I simply did not know how to put my understanding into words. The scare of the movie 2012 makes me think of this poem.
Secondly, how exactly do YOU interpret this? What is manunkind...or is Cummings referring to the turn 'humankind' has taken by all of the unrest, the injustice, the hate or indifference which has occurred in the world? This poem was written in 1944. Something to think about. Search the internet for more interpretation of this poem. A little too much for me to get into it on a Sunday night. I need to get ready for the week.
In summary for this moment's blog:
Don't always believe your High School English interpretation of YOU.
Watch the Trailer for 2012 and decide for yourself if it would make sense to actually occur.
Start getting rid of all of your possessions, because if the world is coming to an end, you can't take all the stuff with you anyway.
Love your family. Hug those who are important to you. Tell someone you love 'em.
I can't believe what I am hearing. For crying out loud, in the name of common sense, what were you thinking Mrs. Heene? Are these rumors correct that you were part of the scheme, the hoax of your son's balloon incident? What is going on? If fame is what Mr. & Mrs. Heene are seeking, well that is what they received. As well as looking like FOOLS!
According to the Zimbio website: "Mayumi told investigators that she and the boy's father started building the flying-saucer-like craft 2 weeks before the incident specifically to carry out the hoax. Heene also said the parents instructed their 3 children to lie to the media for the sake of the story."
I mean...really people! Can this story get any better? They should, at minimum, get some psychiatric evaluation! Well, really, in about 3 years...2012... in won't matter anymore. The earth is going to fall to pieces, explode, land masses will break apart and fall into the ocean, etc. Anyway, good luck Heene family. Hopefully you have a good attorney.
With all this stuff and television coverage that Richard Heene has been getting, there is talk of whether or not the wife, Mayumi Heene, plays a sort of victim role through it all. If you don't know the story, quick summary:
Large balloon of some sort was seen flying through the air. It was alleged that this balloon was carrying one of the children of the Heene family and it quickly caught the attention of the news. Then, it was being looked into as a hoax. Maybe Richard planned it all as a way to get some media hype back in his life. Maybe the Heene family's own reality show. I don't know. It's a little crazy. You can read for yourself about that whole ordeal about the "Balloon Boy" incident.
As for the mother, Mayumi, here is what one family friend had to say:
Call it crazy. Call it a hoax. I don't know what to make of it. But it certainly seems to interest YOU! Why are you reading this? Don't you have something better to do with your time?
Wow! If I needed a good laugh it certainly came after viewing today's featured Uroclub on the new reality show Shark Tank. NO DOUBT this product is catching the attention of many. And honestly, it probably functions for many! I mean, either the man goes to the closest, most discreet tree on the golf course or he turns to his hidden urinal mixed in with his golf clubs. Maybe a free bottle of antibacterial cream should come with it.
Jon Gosselin pops the question to his girlfriend, Hailey Glassman, while going for a carriage ride in Manhattan...True or False? OH! Sucka! It's false! You are so engrossed with this guy, aren't you? Well, I admit I am a little bit. I actually find it very entertaining. It's unfortunate that in 20 years from now, those eight little children will be able to research on the internet ALL this stuff about their father way back when.
It's a shame the children have to be caught up in all of this media attention, broken marriage, wild child of a father, mother made out to be a little overbearing herself. Hey, I'm just reporting it as I hear it and see it in all the entertainment news myself. Best wishes to Jon apart from Kate and both of their future endeavors. Blessings upon those children. (boo-hoo...enough of that!)
Of course, I do not know all the truths myself. I do not know these people. I don't like to see any marriage dissolve. I, for one, believe in the institution of marriage. Fortunate for me, I found a great person to spend the rest of my life with. Anywho...back to Jon.
Wow! Way to go Barack Obama! You deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. Just look at the role model you have been for many around the world. Yahoo writes about it. CNN Europe writes about it. This is just about the best news I've heard today. Sorry for all of you very right wing conservatives. Please don't criticize and just let him have his moment. You have to agree that he did work hard to get to the place where he is. Maybe it wasn't just Obama, but his whole team. Check out to read more about it. Then after that, go to MSNBC. The New York Times write about it, too. But really folks, can't we just send him our congratulations! There always has to be some negative person or entity, doesn't there...with anything in this world. Why don't you all work on filling people's buckets versus dipping into their buckets! Let him have his prize. Again, I say Congratulations! Job well done!
Taken directly from the CDC website, here is what you need to do to NOT get the H1N1 virus. Of course there is no guarantee, but with so much focus on the confusing and upcoming vaccine that is due out, I say that doing your best to stay well should be the focus. Here it is...
What You Can Do to Stay Healthy
Stay informed. This website will be updated regularly as information becomes available.
Influenza is thought to spread mainly person-to-person through coughing or sneezing of infected people.
Take everyday actions to stay healthy.
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hands cleaners are also effective.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way.
Stay home if you get sick. CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.
Follow public health advice regarding school closures, avoiding crowds and other social distancing measures.
Find healthy ways to deal with stress and anxiety.
Call 1-800-CDC-INFO for more information.
Taken directly from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website:
Another maybe sort of new age approach for all starts with the thought. Sometimes the mind doesn't know the difference between reality and make believe. Sometimes your physical body will follow the thoughts that your mind is feeding you! Keep thinking healthy thoughts. I really believe that helps! Get some rest, drink lots of water, all those things that mother always tells us. Stay well and good luck!
Is this guy really loving the attention, hanging out at the hottest places where he KNOWS the paparazzi will be, begging to get some TV time in any which way he can. I mean, work it baby! He definitely is and definitely has! Poor Kate!? Or maybe not. I mean, the rumors say that she was a difficult woman to live with. Honestly, who cares at this point.
My concern is with the eight children. They need some sanity in their lives, and sorry Jon. I don't think it's coming from you. Kate seems to be the one holding together more so. I really don't know. I'm not her best friend and I'm not his mistress. But really folks, it doesn't matter. I say, go home and kiss your own spouse or significant other. Go home and spend some quality time with your children and pets. Make your time make a difference to your loved ones and those you care about, and that which is important. Get off the computer!
Rumors were flying that Maya Angelou was rushed to an L.A. Hospital when in fact, she was home and well. Interesting how the media can pick up a tidbit of information, fact or lie. Then moments later, the media is on it. The rumor even included that she died...the downs of pop culture.
But this is my opportunity to pay tribute to this legend. She first began to inspire me when she spoke at Bill Clinton's inauguration way back when with the following poem:
I have always seen Maya Angelou as a role model, even though she and I are not of the same ethnic background. She is pure inspiration, to be respected and looked up to for her works, beliefs, values, and faith.
Just view here WEBSITE and know that she is a phenomenal woman!
No people, Maya Angelou is NOT hospitalized! She is well and she is not going anywhere! She is actually due to speak at UC Riverside about her books being banned. Insanity, ladies and gentlemen. This woman's writings are only things we can learn from and be inspired by. She will speak at UC Riverside on October 22, 2009.
I just want to say WOW! He sounds SOOOoooo much like the original artist with Journey. It sounds great! I swear Filipinos sing so well! They ARE the karaoke champions, anyway. Well, back on subject...supposedly he used to try to make money, singing on the streets of Manila, doing Journey covers. He was discovered by the original band members of Journey, minus Steve Perry. Besides, that is who Arnel Pineda replaced for the new Journey of the Millenium! I mean, OMG...Oh my goodness!!
He used to play with a Philippine based pop band called The Zoo. Journey discovered him on YouTube! Wow! YouTube, you are so awesome. So much talent is discovered through this venue. Here is an interview that is more than a year old which gives a little more background.
I have friends who are watching Journey as we speak, in Las Vegas, Nevada at the M Resort! I love that place, too. What an awesome place for him to have a concert! Anyway, congratulations and continued congratulations to Arnel Pineda and his family for such a great dream come true! You are great!
And I would like to say...THANK YOU to Oprah for recognizing this great talent! This episode of Journey on Oprah will air on Monday, October 5, 2009.
I just had to write that I think many of us get a kick seeing really bad stuff happen to killer zombies, and the more violent the death, the better it makes us feel. We can't wait for this movie to open and in this trailer, the creepiest part are the little zombie girls at the wedding. If we learn anything from this film, its what to do if a zombie attacks you in the bathroom while doing your business on the can.
And if you are lucky, you get to play a zombie. For those of you can't get enough of the zombie thing, check out the behind the scenes footage below, look at the zombie actors running around the amusement and for a moment, imagine that you are one of these guys. Would you play a zombie for cheap money? If I knew that this film was going to be cult classic, I wouldn't hesitate one bit.
May the zombie brain splattering begin! - A perfect way to begin the Halloween season.