Okay, first of all, I just want to say that "
sexting" is the newest and coolest word in the American dictionary!!!
Now, on with the buzz. Brett Favre in the middle of a scandal? Are we even surprised? Does anything of this nature surprise us in the professional sports world? C'mon people. I say tell us more!
The details?
Well first and foremost at the top of his sexting menu is
Jenn Sterger. I don't care much about the details of what was said, what was sent, who said what, what the "sexting" details are. Although it would be interesting to share all of that, I honestly don't care.
Next, a
masseuse from the Jets shares her story. My guess ALSO is that is not this masseuse's first "hit on" incident. I mean, why do people get into any avenue of the professional sports industry to begin with? Aren't they asking for all this? The money is good and they know what's going to come along with all of this. I like sports, but I hate what the industry has become.
So questions emerge like...
Did Favre send Jenn Sterger nude photos?
Is this whole hot news buzz going to aide in ending Favre's career?
Are we surprised, once again, about the infidelities and "sexy" scandals that have emerged once again with yet another very loved sports professional?
How does this affect his 14 years of
marriage to Deanna Favre?
How will this affect his big game tonight?
Monday Night Football?? Everyone's gonna be watching.
Does it really matter in the larger scheme of things?
Is it helping the fight against global warming?
Are our children benefitting from all of this and what is the status of our country's educational system?
I really could care less. It actually makes me chuckle a little bit! LOL!! Hahahhahaha!!
Too bad, Brett. Good luck to you!