Over and over again, someone, somewhere is being hit. One out of 3 women is abused in this country...these are reported cases. Where is the line drawn? When is it abuse? When is it dangerous and when does it need more attention? Ladies, help yourselves and get out before it's too late. I take this issue to heart because I have a loved one dear to me who is in this right now and I am so scared for her. I can only tell her so much but she has to want to leave. She doesn't see what everyone else sees. "Oh, but he's a good father." and "I don't think he would ever go that far." and "He's just saying that because he's depressed and angry." Best one of all: "I must have done something to provoke him. It's partly my fault."
Tell-tale signs for anyone out there...
- Your abuser shows controlling behavior: If your significant other is telling you who you can hang out with, what friends you can have, when or where you can go, what time you need to be home, THAT IS A SIGN!!! that this relationship is damaging your soul and spirit. Is he going through your emails, looking at your cell phone calls and texts? Why does he not trust? Wake up! Get out!
- This person is using threats or guilt: "If you don't..." blah, blah, blah, then "I'll leave you." "If you don't..." yadda, yadda, yadda, "then you must not love me enough." These are manipulative ways the person is trying to control you. Love is not that way. Real love does not have conditions.
- The person insists on sex: HELLO!!!! This is surely a sign that the relationship is not healthy. Sex is not even the issue. It's control. It's not about "love". This person wants to be in a position where you are vulnerable. THAT IS SCARY!!
- (These 3 points discussed on the Oprah show today.)
It is a good thing that the Chris Brown and Rihanna situation has surfaced. This is not good for any of our youth to witness. I hate to say it, but I'm sure there are some people out there who say "She deserved it!" BS! No one deserves it! And there are some people who believe it was just a one time thing & he won't do it again. What do you think? Haven't we had enough of this? I don't care if he is a mega-star. He deserves what's coming to him. I hope that she starts to wake-up and see the real deal, too.