OMG! I get the email for Black Friday ads and BOO-YAH!! The Target ad was released. I haven't looked at it in full yet. But let me tell you, after already deciding I will not do Black Friday this year, standing in lines at 4:00am with Starbucks in hand, scarf around my neck and gloves on with all the consumer crazies...the release of the Target Black Friday sales has me rethinking. I'm not a shopper like many people I know, BUT I get the shopping itch like every other American.
So, should I stay or should I go? Let me spend about 2 hours browsing through that ad, making my list, getting it right. And then let me close that window on my laptop after a wasted 2 hours after deciding...holidays are not about the material things. And then let me go back to my email again the next day and rethink again, and again, and again.
Yes, I am infected with the all-american consumerism, materialistic bug. I love to shop. I love a good deal. Stay tuned to see if I can control myself. We're not even half way through November and I'm craving those early morning deals! Ugh! Maybe I'll see you out there! I promise I won't cut in front of you just to get the freebie...whatever it is this year!