Can you believe how much attention Tiger Woods has been getting? Sorta like our buddy, Dave Lettermen, maybe it's just better for Tiger to fess up. Infidelity is nothing new for the famous actor and athlete. I mean, c'mon people! Isn't that somewhere in the fine print for that particular job description. It's probably in tiny, tiny, tiny print somewhere in the contracts...
"Dost thou chooseth the path of an actor or athlete, thou dost also chooseth to have infidelitous affairs beyond the grasp of his or her morally correct parameters."
In other words, don't most athletes fall into this at least once in their lives. And hasn't infidelity in the sports world become a norm of sorts. Magic. A-Rod. Oscar de la Hoya. Yes. That's what I said. Derek Jeter. Dennis Rodman. Kobe. What is the truth?
Well, I am hoping that Tiger Woods will maintain a clean record. This Rachel lady has already said that she has nothing to do with him romantically. To be honest with you, I don't really care. It's too much. Let the people be. Let Tiger live his life and manage the situation with the family.