Bethenny Frankel has grown on me. With my start of the New Year, I have been able to enjoy some of these cable shows at the gym. It's sorta fun. And one of the shows..."Bethenny Ever After." It's fun, funny, and I actually learn a few relationship tips from it. I also feel grateful that I have found my ever after and am not in the scene. Anyway...
This woman is moving on to amazing things. She is succinct in her thoughts, confident, and willing to be as honest as possible as she assists people in dealing with their issues... mainly finding love. She's great!
Despite her recent miscarraige, she continues to move forward. She and her husband share one daughter, Bryn, and she is unsure about trying again for a second child. She's 41 years old. Hey...just a little bit of info...I had my 5th child at 41! It can be done. So Bethenny, best wishes to you and your career and your family! Looking forward to your upcoming FOX girl's show!